Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Current Price Of Advanture Island

11th VO - 9 June 2009 - Gabriel Lansky

Gabriel Lansky is a lawyer in Vienna, formerly represented the Social Democratic Party and has represented a number of years in the Jewish community in legal matters. Lansky is also President of the Austria-Israel Chamber of Commerce.

Lansky's parents were both in second marriage, because both their former spouses who lost in concentration camps. They lived in 1945 in Prague and Jerusalem, but returned back to Vienna in 1953.

Austrian constitution, law and freedom of reality

Austria has a clear anti-Fascist constitution, but the legal reality is different. "The desire of the authorities in the area of law otherwise provides from. " There is some " great displeasure ", the scores of 1947 (as former Nazis still sentenced to severe penalties) have to take today. The penalty for re-operation is actually 10 to 20 years, but even Honsik as "systematic repeat offenders" got only five years, which would only be possible at "extraordinary mitigating circumstances" . The jury act reluctant to exercise on context.

The withdrawal of the prohibition law would certainly be "a big mistake". " Of course, this is an interference with the right to freedom of expression - But: Article 10 of European Convention on Human Rights this granted subject to the maintenance of public order and preservation of democracy allows intervention " (see Article 10 MRK)

Wi (e) of the newspaper the crowns.

In the 90s there was a process of ICG to the Kronen Zeitung, where Richard Nimmer , better known as "Staberl," they wrote in an article something that probably as the "Akutmachung a latent anti-Semitism "Since 2004, might call this can also designate more specific. Staberl wrote something in the crown, was" anti-Semitic and racist Overtones "had. Specifically, it was an article in which Staberl " Auschwitz denied, without even mention a word ". was in the course of the trial conducted a content analysis of the article, but especially by a linguist, as with other methods not be determined between the lines staked message could have been. This enabled a violation of the prohibition law be established, but the trial ended in a settlement on the condition of a long period of confidentiality which should be yet expired now.

The process, though he in comparison, ended in a change in editorial policy of the Crown led, so Lansky. With some delay Staberl sent to the board, anti-Semitic undertones may have been moved back a little. See also Georg Markus, who wrote for the crown, which he would have an anti-Semitic environment is not well done.

media and human rights

Austria is the most convicted for violation of freedom of speech to the European Court of Human Rights (EuGhfM), so Lansky. The schedule is as follows: A media rights referred to as neo-Nazi, whereupon win rights and complain that "criticism of rights will be punished," it seems. Many convictions are overturned in the impact on EuGhfM.

One of the famous cases in this Case was one where Lansky took the Austrian journalists and staff of the Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance Karl Pfeifer. This were accused for today really incredible things after neo-Nazi machinations of a German professor, who published also in Austria, revealed. But a point I did not go into here, it exists in the Wikipedia the most important read, and in a documentary film about Pfeifer's life ("Between two stools") is the case also discussed in detail. Pfeifer published today in the way various blogs, such as on juedische.at , where he observed the right scene and anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Austria (and elsewhere) reveal.

was the other side's lawyer Herbert Schaller, who vertrtitt regular clients, which re-activation or suspected wrongdoing to the prohibition law, but also the Freedom Party and its members. His most famous client of the recent past: David Irving . The judge in this case, the piper in Austria denied legal guilt and said, Maurer said. The latter, who has always liked similar rulings in similar cases, was promoted to Minister of Justice Boehm villages (FPÖ, in the bowl-government). Lansky connects with Maurer in any case a "long love affair" as he says.

Waldheim and SPÖ

During the Waldheim affair, the Social Democrats had every interest out damage that the revelations about Waldheim Waldheim becomes public and the presidential campaign. Thus, the Social Democrats have also passed information to the JWC. But public SPÖ politicians have always denied having anything to do with the Waldheim affair. When she complained, the ÖVP injunction to submit to their kind, committed this SPÖ people but a serious mistake. They claimed in court, under oath, continue to do with the Waldheim affair to have to do, but were ultimately convicted and eight SPÖ people, so Lansky, convicted of perjury. They should have simply admit that they do not have Waldheim as president. But just a was "typical SPÖ problem" that they say not clear how to stand a theme, and "herumwurschteln" instead.

how to fight against neo-Nazi parties

An exceptional case was that Lansky, where neo-Nazis in a house they bought at the main road No. 19 belt (now belongs to someone else again) prevented wild celebrations and Nazi slogans hung banners from the windows. In the house were, however, other tenants who feel disturbed by these events and also threatened. But somehow there was no easy way to tackle it. As one of the residents Lansky took as a lawyer and asked him in the house, it even came to the following scene: State police officers outside the house refused to Lansky to enter, although he could identify themselves as the champions of resident and out of the window his client on the street screamed, he should come up. The Begrüngung why he did not reindürfe was that it "of his own safety" was . He now demanded that they give him the writing, which he was then. He was now so black and white that the national police is for was unsafe to enter the house when neo-Nazis hold their celebrations in it. This was in the hands Lansky on behalf of the tenants of the house of the owner of such injunctive relief activities. The tenants were now the law enforcement against their landlords, "the implementation of the prohibition law was questioned by police in the hands of the tenants down" , which was unique in Austria. The neo-Nazis could no longer do much in this house to its neo expressing, and again sold the house.

situation in Austria

Lansky What about the situation in Austria regarding not Know, xenophobia and anti-Semitism? There is a "dull xenophobia" a "dull fascist sentiment" . This was a "real danger if crisis is more" , there is a "enormous fascist potential" , which "directed primarily against Muslims and Turks" and is "make anti-Semitic Gerülpse as a by-product" is .

was Germany has a completely different situation. Since there are "hard-core Nazis and " organized neo-Nazi scene ", but " no wide-fascist sentiment.

And what are the extreme right to Israel? "Even in the Austrian extreme right, there is a willingness to recognize what has made the Israeli state" (which lies in the enthusiasm for military strength), extra: "what makes me more sympathetic about nothing" . Israel play any case, hardly a role in Austrian anti-Semites who directed more against the Jewish population, which is integrated as well as against the "world Jewry", "Jewish capitalists" etc.


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