9th VO - 19 May 2009 - Arik Brauer
childhood and youth
Arik Brauer was born in 1929 in Vienna. His father came from Lithuania and lived in Vienna, Ottakring, as a shoemaker. His mother helped with the operation. When the Nazis in 1938 Austria "joined", was abducted and killed brewer's father in a concentration camp.
His father "believed in the German culture" . He knew Schiller by heart all the ballads, he did not believe "that Nazis can be so cruel." He thought that everything that happened after the connection, must go by quickly, that these are uncontrolled excesses, the new rulers, the Nazis would leave quickly. He was wrong. The Nazis "have turned him into soap." (Quote: Brauer)
Arik himself and his mother survived - more or less hidden - in Vienna. From their apartment they were thrown out, the shoemaker Aryanized operation. The new owner, however, Arik's mother illegally again, what the family ultimately survive in Vienna allowed. For only with Food stamps, which the Jews were granted in Vienna, it was possible, so brewers will not survive long.
National Socialism in Vienna
Arik Brauer spent so the entire Nazi period in Vienna. At first he was still occasionally harassed, but as soon as he had to wear the yellow Star of David visible on the clothing, made him the people largely alone, rather a bow made of him. That was then but the people "too steep", "as medieval," said Brauer. This "branding" should ensure that Jews will be detected immediately and never gets where it does not hindurften - what it was about everything, from the tram down to the school to go shopping or the movies (if you have ever had any money). However, you can see, despite all the stereotypes, not necessarily a Jew looks. And apart from this brewer saw not very "Jewish" from. So he pulled his jacket on the Star of David was attached to, simply wrong when he as a child that had to do not attend school for lack of not much all day, went somewhere where he hindurfte not really. Like when he went to the movies.
Whether the Vienna knew what was happening to the Jews being taken away? According to Brauer, yes, at least part of the truth. It was known that the Jews to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz are brought, they knew it was there "terrible approaching. But how terrible that you did not necessarily - or you could not believe it. People say that sometimes, "to be gassed," but it was probably hard to believe. Where, so brewers, who should have known non-Jewish population that at least "idiots" to be gassed.
When Vienna as good as "Jews", was developed in the for the "transport of Jews" competent authorities a certain momentum. Because knowing the soldiers: As soon as the last Jew has been brought from Vienna, has its place unnecessary and they are sent to the front - and hardly wanted someone, the longer ran the war, the less, because the more you knew about the hard front reality .
So began the Vienna offices (and probably not only the Vienna), one that tries press the "remaining Jews" back and forth. They wanted to "keep", so that one has "to do" - not for his own life to feed on the eastern front of the probable death. go on Israel, Paris and Vienna again
Whether he had a problem after 1945, in Austria:
After 1945? Each one gives the hand could, indeed a "Jewish butchers" have been! - No. Something he does not know. "Every human being is its own world." Something he is not generalized.
studied after the war as soon as possible (he had to make up most likely be the Matura) and joined the Communist Party to - but he turned his back on soon. Until 1951 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Painting, where he co-founded, inter alia, Ernst Fuchs, the School of Fantastic Realism, and from 1947 to 1951 he also studied violin at the music school. Thereafter, until 1954, he traveled by bicycle through Europe and Africa.
Brauer then went to Israel where he met and married a singer. They moved to Paris, as it is the "Center of Art" was, and Vienna for an artist at that time was boring - nothing going on, "as in Bratislava. In Paris, he appeared with his wife as a singing duo, he also provided the musical Accompaniment. The pair now lives half a year between Israel and Paris. Brauer cared above all about the painting, but returned to first exhibitions he returned with his wife in Vienna. 'home ground is the home ground ", .'s Life in Vienna is more beautiful than in Paris Paris is a hard ground" - whether "very difficult to find an apartment or studio" - in Vienna, in the third, He had, however regardless of what matches found.
anti-Semitism, restitution question, remembering, Waldheim
If he does against someone anti-Semitic remarks, it is the "damn" . For this is "His problem" , the problem of someone who does. "I'm not afraid." (Brauer)
It bothers him, of course, even if politicians and the media to act anti-Semitic, but "that's true everywhere. 10% of people in each country see the world." this connection, he remembers the Austrian Interior Minister Oskar Helmer that is, the recorded in protocols, for restitution question the statement "I am sure to consider the matter at length," has given of himself, and so Brauer, has meant in spirit: "Wait 'till they die ma. Such a thing was of course very annoying and immoral.
But the third generation has the restitution matter finally "taken in hand - better late than never."
As for the Holocaust, the Shoa, concerns, and the question whether such a thing could happen again: the Holocaust was the greatest crime in history - but also the first to be processed and will be.
also gabs about Waldheim to say not very much that we did not know already. "There's a ham g'schlachtet wengal the wrong pig" fell to a brewer. For Peter it would have been more appropriate [the outrage, etc.]. But Waldheim had acted wrong: "g'sehn belong with nothing, nothing, only commands executed ".
to Strache, FPÖ and right now
What Austria is different today from Austria in 1938 ? At the time Nazis were part of the Elite - 80% of teachers, etc." (Brauer) - . now you have to look Nazis, in the inn " The Freedom Party is for the ." uneducated layer, nothing to read, or at best crown "
30% of FPÖ voters, brewers, were not fascists or anti-Semites - these are people who have problems with immigration: "I can already imagine how a pensioner in the 15th District is: Runaway owigehn not the stairs " (Brauer) [. Where classify the remaining 70% of voters would be to have occurred not in the course of conversation]
Israel, Gaza
" What Israel is doing ruled, is bad - you can say that. But what would make Israel, no one knows - something we have to do " And how to deal with the Palestinian territories Brauer, mutatis mutandis: the two-state solution, the single will be what comes into question this, however, that the government.?. in Palestine [ie, the Palestinian government in the Palestinian territories], the control of Country and population.
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