VO - 17 March 2009 - Gideon Singer
childhood before the Nazis
third guest at country man was the actor Peter Gideon Singer . Born in 1926 in Brno, Harry Singer, he grew up bilingual: his mother, he spoke German, Czech and his father. In his childhood he was visited several times in Vienna, where he was his uncle, the operetta tenor (if I understood correctly). However, his visits to Vienna with his uncle roused his interest in opera, so he then in Vienna Opera wanted to study "what his step-father, however, thoroughly disliked (the part as it came from the father to the stepfather, I unfortunately missed or was not mentioned), he wanted to prevent then more visitors to Vienna
escape to Palestine
. was stuck, he fled with his family by ship to Palestine, where he then in a children's home (also this
1940 (1940 is also supported by other sources according to its own statement;, and thus not 1941, as in the Wikipedia ) part of the story I could not quite understand;. but there were for example in Cyprus internment camps, where "illegal" Jewish refugees during the Second World War II by the British, including women and children were interned in the former League of Nations mandate over Palestine, there was apparently an internment camp for illegal entry, Singer said in any case that he in an orphanage whose name is identified, I could not ( Alyat Anoah or so?) was inserted; asked
In the children's home in his name, said the supervisor immediately, "Harry is not a Jewish name." He was given a list of Hebrew names he could not read, but by which he diligently inquired through. When he had found a new first name for himself - his name was translated something like "Wolf" - said the caregivers, however, the name was already another Child selected. Harry's second choice was then Gideon. His last name he could, even though they wanted to also change to keep the end.
Jewish Identity in Transition
Gideon Singer Even when you meet again to that initially distanced relationship to Judaism, as is already prevalent in Otto Schenk's or Danielle Speras home. Singer described his father as an "anti-Semites" - ie a "Jewish Nazi" as the country man joked exaggerated. His mother's brother was actually a Nazi, says Singer. However, I do not know whether Singer's family was Jewish, because otherwise the brother of his mother in fact a "Jewish Nazi "was. In any event, we gave Singer to understand it as the" was Jewish identity, "ordered his family. She was virtually absent. After the annexation or the annexation of Czechoslovakia and the beginning of the persecution of the Jews to have Singer least surprised that he was "a Jew" is. In high school were now sitting in class, only two Jews, from 22 clock was a curfew and other forms of discrimination were from now prescribed by the Nazi regime.
When he against the war and then by the Shoa learned of the death of many relatives, it was for him apparently was not a big shock it was still too young to have particularly close to him can go -. may know it, except for his uncle and his cousin (s?) in Vienna, his relatives also hardly closer to any event he has said.
new life in Israel and "return" / re-emigration to Austria
Singer soon learned Hebrew and grew into the nascent Israel. He fought in "5 to 6 wars" - "only?" (Country man) and became the Israeli, but not religious. Generally it was for "European Jews" (meaning in particular the well-assimilated) have been difficult to integrate in Israel: climate, mentally, and especially language.
What made you decide to leave Israel? (Country man)
"I left Israel to this day" (Singer). It had just so happened, when he was invited in the '70s by Rolf Kutschera to occur in Vienna. He had two identities: an Israeli and an Austrian who is loud Pass, where still stands "Harry Singer", but a Czech.
Judaism in everyday life
As already mentioned, Singer is not religious. He does not even know whether in the Jewish Community, so if he has ever occurred (puzzled look on his wife, who was also present) . If so, he would not escape but still. Still playing his Jewish identity, which he would describe his previous statements measured more likely than Israeli, in real life is always a role. That he is always perceived as a Jew and put in as a drawer disturb him, however, not particularly. He told of an event, I think it was in Germany, where he was from another theater artists with the words "Gideon Singer, a Jew" was presented. It was reported to be meant in jest, he was a naive man and Singer him not be angry.
As Singer during Waldheim time an Israel-containment completed, he had been there, asked if he could move unmolested because in Austria in the street.
Whether it leads back
success or failure on his Jewish affiliation? (Country man) - No, "this complex," he did not, or had he got rid of him. Only when driving, if someone vorbeidrängle him or take the right of way, he is upset that this is certainly an anti-Semite - but of course only in jest. "The only by which I really suffer, everyone wants me to tell a Jewish joke .
Whether there is something spiritual connections exist among Jews? (Country man) - Yes, but that one should not exaggerate or generalize (Singer). For this I must introduce another way to Otto Schenk: The first meeting of the "German youth group," where were "half-Jews" had miteingezogen, all set in a room on the existing seats. As it was said that the "half-Jews" to get up all, just had four people, including Schenk,, and all sat together in the same series, although they had never seen before - a visibly amused Schenk told on the first date of this discussion series.
Asked about anti-Semitism, the Middle East conflict, to overcome the past and similar "serious" issues more often from Singer. He could not say anything, could not talk about such things, had no opinion. The man brought the country will be there for Wonder if he meant that a Schlusstrich should be drawn under the NS-/Shoa-Vergangenheit. In a way, yes, Singer, at least personally, he put no further apart with the past, he read, for example, no books in this regard (due to his personal resume my opinion quite an understandable attitude - he had probably been more discussion of the topic, as he might have liked). But in general should not forget the events. For questions about this subject needed to him at any rate its credit, it was his first interview in this manner, where it is "about him".
Regarding the situation in Israel, he has certainly a clear position: he was "suffering" under the "Israeli domestic politics" - "especially now" where "the Zionists again at the helm are .
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