Since it is quite good - more or less - fits the theme, the following digression: the Canadian music producer and DJ Socalled, who in the past 10 years a reputation as an expert in the sampling and re-arranging old Jewish music, traditional Hebrew and Yiddish songs, pressed to 50 to 80 year old records, it thousands of times home hoarding has made, completed last week as I know his second concert in Vienna. At least his second within the last twelve months - he came in the fall of 2008 at the "Spot on Yiddishkeit" festival of the Vienna Concert House to a sold out event with klezmer legend, the clarinetist David Krakauer on.
following text I've already vorverfasst since I've played with the idea of anyone, anywhere to ask whether it can be published. I was then but too stupid to call all the newspapers and magazines, after I've already got the standard no answer ;-) (they told me there said at a hearing times, should I but notify when I've got something written - but just for this reason that ignoring, I never read what "just so"), I actually want to publish the text anyway right here - but maintained from the said reason, I'm still a little bit. So just to let you (I know, I talk to the wall) know why the above introduction, written the same again some occasions (but I wanted to revise it because I did it so magnificently newspaper moderately cool and cocky, - ):
comes What if thousands of years of Jewish musical tradition to younger innovations in music history as hip Hop and drum machine hits, Monday night, the Canadian DJ, rapper, musician and producer led Socalled (Josh Dolgin actually) to the Viennese public in the concert hall before our eyes and ears. Together with three other musicians (bass and guitar and clarinet) and the singer Katie Moore, he presented in an approximately 90-minute show is a cross-section of his diverse repertoire: from Klezmer unplugged modern variations of traditional songs (with rap and hip hop beats) to completely new hip hop tracks that are supported by Hebrew and Yiddish vocal samples, and the clarinet. Socalled sings himself, raps, plays piano and accordion and serves the ever-hectic drum machine escape from which samples of up to 80 years old plates, and programmed funk and hip hop beats. A certain degree of popularity in Austria owes Socalled the radio station FM4, where the single "You Are Never Alone" was played frequently in 2007. Probably because Vienna is the only detour from his current tour in France. Already in 2008 he graduated in the company of known klezmer clarinetist David Kracauer, to perform at the "spot on Yiddishkeit" festival in the Vienna Konzerthaus. For an early reunion, like with a larger ensemble, is to hope.
missing is "Sincerely, Michael Jeannée" , right? (Why write you really Jeannée two e , where he is male? Or do you spell it anyway Michael Jeanne )
Because here in any event no newspaper is - neither crown nor standard - is even room for many, many, many additional Guetzlis that in such a dumb paper product eh would never place: the only drawback: no readers (except you, you love wall).
biscuits Number 1: These two beautiful photos made in moving-honored time-quality stone, with my very old, used cell phone, send out these high-resolution images for that time already and receive SMS can:
And biscuits number 2: The following, at least as high resolution come up but still audible a real treat, video of the opening song: with lots of imagination can be in the wonderful concert experience, this congenial mixing conventional Instrumtente with the magical drum machine empathize, even if it looks like unfortunately more like a hallucination on drugs (see Trainspotting ) and also, as sound:
an acoustically and visually, however, almost masterful Version of this song by the way, as video here. However, this in my opinion exaggerated drum-heavy and not as balanced as in Vienna.