Saturday, August 1, 2009

Milena Velba Poolfun Jansen

From friends and those who never will

meal'm back, It took a long, because I had to do something.

But now dat geit wedder rid ick Saxon juch dat News from the Gobbler, the old boring life ...

But ...

I have to throw up nu ersma about types, Ass staples rather, the slime in my life, pushing, invade, occupy my private life and miss at the first opportunity my rectum, the feel of a mature fisting.

There was such a lower subject, in his capacity seller, employment crisis, coke sniffing, devoted to the paid sexual intercourse - do not get me wrong, all things that I tolerate can - indeed, very loyal, always a loose slogan on their lips, knowing great people, always the party in view and ostensibly not stupid. Stumbles, as is so random in my life and became regulated, unregulated and dear to me quickly, so far as my friend home. Assistance of any kind needed the poor louse plenty and I'm a good person I gave what was there. For his, the Treasury tangent, undertakings I gave my name, my car he got when he wanted money anyway, all so can things that you bestowed a good friend.

Even when, after almost 2 Montat a well-paid job with budget responsibility for committing minor "irregularities" lost, I gave him the support he needed, sending you in pecuniary form, what else?

In the new year, I introduced him to my clients and zag the bean he had a job there erschleimt, who, alas, to my training officer was, so something like a shipping manager, etc. .

is on song and now because of my blog absence, that he can not deal with the situation and now I'm going to customers, had four people off and cut in half so my company.

But now, this episode is over and I can once again focus on the important things:

Blogging, revenge, shoot-at-me

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cyntherea What Happened


The review was, as I have thus gained the impression that passed largely positive:) Many people on the day of the trial, the day before again looked into the blog (120 views on Monday, 104 calls, mostly at 11 clock in the morning, Tuesday: )) Thanks also for various Lobe (plural of praise?) that I got. It was not easy to write each guest a reasonably good report, especially since one of the gaps, things that are missing from a liquid to a text, often noticed only after the event (and during the discussions, I can not even every three minutes between question that I would not presume). Then come back always Paragraphs, sentences, phrases before, where you can say: Yes, well and good, but what is now actually the wife of Mr. X, now that we have just learned how his parents, his children, his uncles and aunts and his pets hot. The problem in such a case is not then that I had forgotten it (maximum extent that I'm not in demand during the LV), but that I just do not know or can also happen to have heard.

In this sense, I understand very well what Oscar Bronner says, when he says that he himself can not or will not (more) actually write journalistically. So can he do it certainly, as seen in particular the early years of his career noticed, but since he can afford to employ journalists, obviously he does not like it. And for the reason that he, when he researched on a story can not possibly stop the search as long as one essential thing unclear, unconfirmed or incomplete (which he has either been said here, or I habs in an interview or Bio-neck reads) . So you can work at a daily newspaper, of course, impossible at that time pressure which prevails today, probably even more than before. In this sense, one wishes to still work on a daily, incompleteness take into account, and, even if it is safe do not like to admit to risk inaccuracy, sloppiness. Not that that would have been here my ideology: I have on each of these posts for about two hours, even in many three, four, or - even more hours worked - because spread over several days. The tendency always until I no longer was able to stuff gaps through Internet searches. Gaps that had to be unfortunately taken from the talks. Also, the quote was not always easy: Because I can not do shorthand, it was hard, more than a handful to give statements in the original sound again. If I was not comfortable with a quote, I have a rule as an indirect quote or spirit of play.

As for the summary: I was thinking originally to be compiled at the end of a summary review, in which all the main points of the LV, continuities in the interview guests, sorted by topic together. So what A said about Kreisky what B, C, etc. However, what that would be something much effort, especially since the test is in any case already beaten and otherwise not really a necessity, let alone an audience for it exists. Nevertheless, although the LV is over now, I fight every day for 5 to 10 views, largely because of search engine results.

wants only one thing holding me finish off: I hope very much that there is a continuation of this discussion series there, if only because of the great guests that unfortunately, for what ever reason, could not come contrary to the announcement: Ruth Beckermann, Paul Lendvai, Ioan Holender.

But there are many other individuals who qualify as an interesting conversation or curfew. About Karl Pfeifer, those impressive fighter, currently in the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance work, and was represented in his defamation lawsuits against right by Gabriel Lansky.

Or Eric Pleskow, in 1938, 14 years old, had to leave Austria and a soldier in the Army during the liberation of Austria and the following Denazification participated. He led, the Wikipedia, also interrogations with ex-Nazis. Was he, by the Friedrich Peter was so impressed that all anti-Semitism had disappeared from it? (Friedrich Peter, FPÖ-Vice-Chancellor under Kreisky, country man once said that he was at an interrogation after the war by a Jewish U.S. officer had been slapped, which caused him so impressed that he had been exempted from anti-Semitism) Plescow was finally film officer, summarized foot in the U.S. film industry produced, including Woody Allen's great city sufferers and only came of age back again to Austria, where he has led since 1998, the Viennale.

The absolute sensation would be good, could Peter Kreisky, the son of Bruno Kreisky, which we have received this semester almost weekly detailed stories happened, personally favor this lecture and talk about his father. The only question is whether he would be ready.

would be somewhat more difficult it may have received the ORF correspondent in Tel Aviv, Ben Blessed, at the Vienna University. He would find Danielle Spera one of the few who were born after 1945 - as he visited the French School in Vienna Spera, then, so Muzicant, a popular alternative to the closed Jewish schools - and, in contrast to Spera, 1983 after Israel emigrated. Unlike Ronald Barazon, who, like many Austrian Jews, was born in exile in Tel Aviv, after the war, but the weather in Austria (not necessarily in the political sense) that Israel would have preferred. According Torberg supposed to Marcel Prawy, would he still alive, give also a good conversation partner would, once to fight raised on the Six-Day War (or was it another war?) And its obligation as a Jew in Israel , said: "I am Wiener, what I do in the desert?" (something like that anyway) Also Barazon completed the way the Lycée Francaise. would

From the arts Andre Heller certainly an interesting conversationalist. He, like Otto Schenk paternal Jewish roots and was born in 1947 in Vienna. Me as a friend and film-Torberg admirer of special concern would also Wolfgang Glück, who this year turns 80 Birthday celebrating. He created films about the Torberg The student Gerber and 38 - also was Vienna. As I mentioned previously did not know, but in a standard interview was: Even happiness comes from a Jewish family. How did he 1929-1947, the year begint in the Internet sources in all his biography, lived under these conditions is not documented on the web. A Biography exists to my knowledge, not (yet).

Staying with the arts. What many ORF-up to that report might not know (it does so in and of itself not matter), Pop musician Billy Joel has Jewish parents. What probably knew even less: They came from Germany. And what now but really no one would have thought: Billy Joel's father, Helmut (Howard) Joel lives in Vienna. His times son from his second marriage, Alexander Joel, pianist and Dirgent and lives, so Wikipedia, also in Vienna. What would be said to Jewish identity in Austria ?

And what's up with Georg Kreisler? If the concerts yet? Unbelievable - Of felt 100 years ago (he is now 87, well, Zadek is older!) Still give concerts, the most recent of which I know was in 2004, but maybe it was after that what?

One could certainly be some other more or less well-known Jewish personalities mentioned, living in Austria, but those are my most famous (and still were not there), I have now mentioned. Where there probably are other figures of whom is not related or little known that they are Jews. Wolfgang luck would probably be such a person - at least to me, no bio is known in this regard is something mentioned. There are certainly some more or less standing in the public people who want to talk publicly is not necessarily about their Jewish identity, it is because they do not their religion as a private matter want to wear in public, or because they might, like Charles Lewinsky (book: "Just an Ordinary Jew" says), do not tell the "exhibit" something about Judaism.

Anyway, I found this course very informative, I learned very much new - especially to Bruno Kreisky ;-) I hope there is a sequel. Until then, au revoir.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Patch Placement For Brownie Vest


Hello dear readers! I apologize me here for the first time that I have the last two or three of today, talks could not yet work for the blog. It is, of course, is not difficult to guess how, remember that fall due in June or acutely some work and test preparation for other lectures and exercises. I will do my best but to work out this week pending the three reports, finally, next week, 23 June, already the exam.

As you know all sure that I mention it here yet, is given orally and is the usual time, place So from 11.15 clock. The specimens are probably asked in small groups in the room to take a few minutes to answer a few questions relating to Austria and Jewish identity. It is in any case not be about personal details or CV, as I have traced this interest's sake do not quite incompleteness to the best of ways. Those who want to refresh his memory of the call will be to orient themselves well to the paragraphs on Jewish identity.

Furthermore, not only seems to talk to Ruth Beckermann, writer (including "The Matzos Island") and documentary films (including "Zorro's Bar Mitzvah") account, but also the one with Paul Lendvai, journalist and Eastern Europe expert, which I regret very much, but both are very famous and interesting personalities.

I would also like to play here again those incurred by Mr Landesmann few weeks ago saying that he will do, if possible, maybe two years, a continuation of this discussion series, as it apparently has met with great interest. The lecture hall with 40 places was usually overcrowded, with peaks of about 60 interested visitors with Danielle Spera, George Marcus and Oscar Bronner.

extent for now - I have on now, to the library, researching for my term paper in journalism, which is due soon:)

What Gang Does Black Belong To

12th VO - 16 June 2009 - Hilde Zadek

Hilde Zadek that made as an opera singer (soprano) at the Vienna State Opera career, was born in 1917 in Posen, Germany at that time. She has two younger and two older sisters. With 91 years she is the oldest inn, the country man in this series of talks could be welcomed.

childhood, youth, emigration

She was 16 when she had to leave in 1934 as a Jewish school. The background was different, other than in many cases. Since the beginning of Nazi rule in Germany, said anti-Semitism as the state ideology, it became increasingly uncomfortable Zadek in school. One day in the gym one of the girls "it stinks of Jews," said her was the last straw: She beat out the girl's front teeth. Thereupon she left the school at once, before she would probably be picked up by the Nazis from the school.

In Germany, a hopeless future with looking, she left Germany in 1935 towards Palestine. There, she trained as a nursery nurse, as which she worked until 1939 in Jerusalem.

your parents experienced in 1938 "Kristallnacht", was arrested in what her father, who owned a shoe store in Szczecin. Now the parents did not other way out than to emigrate. Hilde was able to obtain their parents for a visa. Her father was released only on the condition of the concentration camp, where he not only immediately left the country but also the entire property could be back to 10 marks. With 10 marks per person so traveling parents Hilda and their two younger sisters in Palestine. Merely "worthless" pieces of furniture and clothing was allowed to take the family to some extent.

The concentration camp residence of the father, was also talked about at home. He said that he had immediately reported as a clerk, was in the office to sleep on a folding bed, and in turn every possible work made for his superiors. As a result, he had relatively good conditions of detention.

In Jerusalem empty-handed as standing, the family opened with the know-how her father and the customer base of Hilde, who possessed a baby nurse or nanny to many happy mothers in her circle, a shoe shop in Jerusalem. The store was tiny and only a few square meters in size, but sales grew rapidly. Even after a year moved to the new store in the main street. With the so-earned money to be funded Hilde studying at the Conservatory, where she trained as a singer. This study that because of working mainly in the evening, von 19 bis 22 clock graduated, she concluded from 1945.

return to Europe

When she had finished the Conservatory, wanted to meet them as soon as possible to Europe back to their wish, the opera singer to be able to. In Palestine, the time was not so. She wrote to universities in New York, Paris, London and Zurich, with respect to a grant - the Conservatory she has completed with distinction. From Zurich, then came a positive decision, and Zadek was on his way. About Alexandria, they could travel with an English ship to Toulon, the Mediterranean port of the French Navy, she had paid with Sing. From there, just crowded trains to Marseille, where they had to go to Lyon to continue to travel to Zurich.

In Palestine, someone had given her a letter, as she announced her trip to Zurich. The correspondence between Europe and Palestine after the war for half a year almost impossible. You had to choose a phone number in Zurich to allow a transfer of the letter. The letters were from his father, who lives in Zurich wife, he could have long been no sign of life to send from Palestine, has stalled because of the postal service. This woman was Renate Langhoff, wife of the refugees from Germany director Wolfgang Langhoff . When the two women got to talking, Renate told of problems with her son (one of their sons), and Hilde offered to let her get her experience in child care benefits. So it was that Hilde, who already had no idea where they should live in Zurich, was allowed to move into the villa of the family in Zurich.

At a private appearance in a Zurich apartment was the director of the Vienna State Opera, Franz Salm, aware of her. This offered her a gig in Vienna, but to a trip to Austria came about, it was not until 28 January 1947, probably because they did not have Austrian citizenship. They took 13 die, alone, to travel from Salzburg to Vienna (was probably because of the different zones of occupation). Five days later, on 3 February 1947, she sang Aida, by Giuseppe Verdi, in Italian is understood, though not a word of Italian language and barely five days, had time to prepare for the role. The performance was a complete success, and it was followed by other performances, they played without any real sample.

In summer 1948 it should occur at the Salzburg Festival, but her passport dated from the time of British Mandate Palestine, and ran out with the State of Israel. In order to act in Salzburg, they needed but one (Austrian?) passport at any rate something to identify themselves are available on the journey through the zones of occupation. So it happened that, as recently as Anna Netrebko, by decree was Austrian.

As a Jew in the State Opera

She was the first Jewish woman at the Vienna State Opera, so Zadek. In one of her first appearances planned, some young people (in the State Opera?) They boo. The youth of that time, it grew Zadek, even with the Nazi indoctrination, they did so only as Jews, as they had ever heard from teachers or from the propaganda: Jews have a big nose, are small, ugly, smelly, etc . But when they saw Zadek's appearance, they were quickly disabused. After the show they should have said "We wanted to boo you, yes, but then we went to his knees."

Zadek had certainly never been any problems as a Jew at the State Opera. It claims to have seen no anti-Semitism, neither among colleagues, even in the audience. It corresponded, as also noted, not even the Jewish stereotypes.

With the population there have been more problems. When she should sing Hunding, Sieglinde in Wagner's Walküre, she got a Rough Paper on the car: "We do not need Sarah Hunding" - in allusion to the Nazi-linked in passports of Jews, where all the men in addition have the name "Israel" get it, and all women, "Sarah". There were also phased anti-Semitic phone calls, after which it was monitored their phone.

As they assessed the anti-Semitism in Austria today? They could judge only little, Zadek, because you have to admit that they live on an island ". Indirectly, they know that there is a strong anti-Semitism. "I think anti-Semitism has never stopped, who was always there, always will be."


As for her family: Her two younger sisters left Palestine in 1946 towards U.S. to let it go to good times. They put the well-meaning advice of parents, however, something more comprehensive, and married after one year, had children and stayed there. Then the parents did nothing in Palestine / Israel, and they followed suit.

received from the former owners in Germany, the family nothing. The parents had to build everything again. Only later they got from the German government a "compensation". From this, they have finally bought a house with garden and "a good old age" spent.

The two older sisters already likely to have emigrated earlier to the U.S., they have settled in Seattle.


Hilde itself remained in Vienna for business reasons. "I am very, very happy in Vienna and would not leave." She did but strengthen their connection to Israel, where she has spent at least 1935 to 1945 ten formative years. She gave singing lessons in Vienna and had the opportunity to learn from one of her students Ivrit. Until then, they hardly spoke the language, because in the shoe shop in Jerusalem was one of a few words, and then generally most people still spoke the language of their country of origin and were more likely to be: Russians, Poles, were German / Austrian the largest groups. beaten

While her siblings in the U.S. "deep roots" have and "bred Americans were, they've been living " 62 years here and still speak no Viennese " - after they have lived to 16 in Germany . Their best friends they have in Israel, where she "spent 17 to 27, the most important time of life" .

Israel once ...

Having learned Ivrit, they also wanted a house in Israel. Randomly possessed in her circle someone a piece of land in Jerusalem, he wanted to sell. The location was excellent, close to the center of Jerusalem, on a slope. Without visiting the site - they had much to do - she tried once to an architect. She remembered one whom she met at an event at the Israeli embassy, and had remained very pleasant memories. Its name had been forgotten. She asked, and would also find. But the architect said he is already retired and had also built his life only to banks and police station. Nevertheless ! Build me a house " That was about the beginning of 1965, and the architect was commissioned to build the house as it would please him, he would have even dwell therein. The architect worked diligently on this order and Zadek presented repeatedly models. Zadek was enthusiastic and the building was commissioned. Finally the house was finished, Zadek traveled to Jerusalem and took her home never before seen on a plot never trodden on 7 July 1965. The architect was the way Hoffmann.

... and today

But much has changed since then in Jerusalem. There "so many provisions" , and Zadek, it does not like having to follow many rules. For example, that you should not swim at Schabbad. Zadek has its house in Jerusalem in any case later sold and a new one in Tel Aviv purchased.

What they have to say about the current situation in Israeli politics? Already the name of the newly elected president is outraged Zadek terrible: "So, is that Bibi is already impossible. How can you hot as president so can call it that? Moreover, as a man! " yourself in any event no sympathy for the Israeli right, she was even back then did not go to Palestine because it is a Zionist, but because it was the only option.

She was very sure that an independent Palestine is, therefore, a two-state solution, but they also do not believe at the same time, that solves the problems. Then would stop fighting the state of Palestine against Israel, so Zadek. "I think the hatred that is now in the Palestinian children vaccinated, a peace will not allow." Wore But Germany and France also for centuries a bitter enmity, before the EU (the predecessor to), founded casts a country man. That can not compare, it says Zadek. The mentality of the peoples involved is different.

Wherever Jews hinkämen they are so talented and industrious, that they took away the Christians of the best seats. Although they worked hard and would get nothing for free, but finally they were a thorn in many Christians. In the Arab world finds the whole place on a different level: For many Arabs, Israel is a thorn in the eye, Zadek.


Zadek: "I am a completely apolitical person and had nothing to do with politics," country man surprised: they have had to leave but always courting of politicians and see in their society. "attending to do so, but this is not a commitment" choose to go, "of course" and that "the Socialists", from which they would make no bones about it. Privately, she had once with Wiesenthal and Kreisky (probably separately) made.


"I am a very very loyal Jew, a conscious Jew. [...] But I'm not Jewish according to the laws of the synagogue. " you do not live according to the rites of the Jewish Community, they also have no contact. Therefore, it is just as good but a Jew, like any other. Why did she have no contact with the Jewish Community? "I think the Jewish community would have to have contact with me, not vice versa. I will pay for 60 years, the contributions " Each payment form, which they sent to me by the ICG, they make a deposit.

Current Price Of Advanture Island

11th VO - 9 June 2009 - Gabriel Lansky

Gabriel Lansky is a lawyer in Vienna, formerly represented the Social Democratic Party and has represented a number of years in the Jewish community in legal matters. Lansky is also President of the Austria-Israel Chamber of Commerce.

Lansky's parents were both in second marriage, because both their former spouses who lost in concentration camps. They lived in 1945 in Prague and Jerusalem, but returned back to Vienna in 1953.

Austrian constitution, law and freedom of reality

Austria has a clear anti-Fascist constitution, but the legal reality is different. "The desire of the authorities in the area of law otherwise provides from. " There is some " great displeasure ", the scores of 1947 (as former Nazis still sentenced to severe penalties) have to take today. The penalty for re-operation is actually 10 to 20 years, but even Honsik as "systematic repeat offenders" got only five years, which would only be possible at "extraordinary mitigating circumstances" . The jury act reluctant to exercise on context.

The withdrawal of the prohibition law would certainly be "a big mistake". " Of course, this is an interference with the right to freedom of expression - But: Article 10 of European Convention on Human Rights this granted subject to the maintenance of public order and preservation of democracy allows intervention " (see Article 10 MRK)

Wi (e) of the newspaper the crowns.

In the 90s there was a process of ICG to the Kronen Zeitung, where Richard Nimmer , better known as "Staberl," they wrote in an article something that probably as the "Akutmachung a latent anti-Semitism "Since 2004, might call this can also designate more specific. Staberl wrote something in the crown, was" anti-Semitic and racist Overtones "had. Specifically, it was an article in which Staberl " Auschwitz denied, without even mention a word ". was in the course of the trial conducted a content analysis of the article, but especially by a linguist, as with other methods not be determined between the lines staked message could have been. This enabled a violation of the prohibition law be established, but the trial ended in a settlement on the condition of a long period of confidentiality which should be yet expired now.

The process, though he in comparison, ended in a change in editorial policy of the Crown led, so Lansky. With some delay Staberl sent to the board, anti-Semitic undertones may have been moved back a little. See also Georg Markus, who wrote for the crown, which he would have an anti-Semitic environment is not well done.

media and human rights

Austria is the most convicted for violation of freedom of speech to the European Court of Human Rights (EuGhfM), so Lansky. The schedule is as follows: A media rights referred to as neo-Nazi, whereupon win rights and complain that "criticism of rights will be punished," it seems. Many convictions are overturned in the impact on EuGhfM.

One of the famous cases in this Case was one where Lansky took the Austrian journalists and staff of the Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance Karl Pfeifer. This were accused for today really incredible things after neo-Nazi machinations of a German professor, who published also in Austria, revealed. But a point I did not go into here, it exists in the Wikipedia the most important read, and in a documentary film about Pfeifer's life ("Between two stools") is the case also discussed in detail. Pfeifer published today in the way various blogs, such as on , where he observed the right scene and anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Austria (and elsewhere) reveal.

was the other side's lawyer Herbert Schaller, who vertrtitt regular clients, which re-activation or suspected wrongdoing to the prohibition law, but also the Freedom Party and its members. His most famous client of the recent past: David Irving . The judge in this case, the piper in Austria denied legal guilt and said, Maurer said. The latter, who has always liked similar rulings in similar cases, was promoted to Minister of Justice Boehm villages (FPÖ, in the bowl-government). Lansky connects with Maurer in any case a "long love affair" as he says.

Waldheim and SPÖ

During the Waldheim affair, the Social Democrats had every interest out damage that the revelations about Waldheim Waldheim becomes public and the presidential campaign. Thus, the Social Democrats have also passed information to the JWC. But public SPÖ politicians have always denied having anything to do with the Waldheim affair. When she complained, the ÖVP injunction to submit to their kind, committed this SPÖ people but a serious mistake. They claimed in court, under oath, continue to do with the Waldheim affair to have to do, but were ultimately convicted and eight SPÖ people, so Lansky, convicted of perjury. They should have simply admit that they do not have Waldheim as president. But just a was "typical SPÖ problem" that they say not clear how to stand a theme, and "herumwurschteln" instead.

how to fight against neo-Nazi parties

An exceptional case was that Lansky, where neo-Nazis in a house they bought at the main road No. 19 belt (now belongs to someone else again) prevented wild celebrations and Nazi slogans hung banners from the windows. In the house were, however, other tenants who feel disturbed by these events and also threatened. But somehow there was no easy way to tackle it. As one of the residents Lansky took as a lawyer and asked him in the house, it even came to the following scene: State police officers outside the house refused to Lansky to enter, although he could identify themselves as the champions of resident and out of the window his client on the street screamed, he should come up. The Begrüngung why he did not reindürfe was that it "of his own safety" was . He now demanded that they give him the writing, which he was then. He was now so black and white that the national police is for was unsafe to enter the house when neo-Nazis hold their celebrations in it. This was in the hands Lansky on behalf of the tenants of the house of the owner of such injunctive relief activities. The tenants were now the law enforcement against their landlords, "the implementation of the prohibition law was questioned by police in the hands of the tenants down" , which was unique in Austria. The neo-Nazis could no longer do much in this house to its neo expressing, and again sold the house.

situation in Austria

Lansky What about the situation in Austria regarding not Know, xenophobia and anti-Semitism? There is a "dull xenophobia" a "dull fascist sentiment" . This was a "real danger if crisis is more" , there is a "enormous fascist potential" , which "directed primarily against Muslims and Turks" and is "make anti-Semitic Gerülpse as a by-product" is .

was Germany has a completely different situation. Since there are "hard-core Nazis and " organized neo-Nazi scene ", but " no wide-fascist sentiment.

And what are the extreme right to Israel? "Even in the Austrian extreme right, there is a willingness to recognize what has made the Israeli state" (which lies in the enthusiasm for military strength), extra: "what makes me more sympathetic about nothing" . Israel play any case, hardly a role in Austrian anti-Semites who directed more against the Jewish population, which is integrated as well as against the "world Jewry", "Jewish capitalists" etc.

Personal Licence Plates In Ont

10th VO - 26 May 2009 - Doron Rabinovici

Doron Rabinovici was the tenth meeting's host country.

Family origin

Rabinovicis Father, a native of Romania, but lived in Vienna, fled during the Nazi era (with a certificate, so legally) from Austria to Palestine, the mother who was born in Paris but had Lithuanian roots, returned to Vilna (the Both knew each other did not then, yes Doron was born in 1961).

Lithuania, and with it the capital of Vilna, which had a large Jewish population and a center of Yiddish culture in the East, but was conquered during the war by the Nazis, the Jewish population was a major part of their lives. Not so, however Rabinovicis mother. She escaped her death several times incredibly lucky. At first she refused, on a march, which obviously led to his death to take part. She stayed back along with three other women and should have been shot. But the soldier who would do this to was alone and did not execute the command. This was done apparently already in the final moments before the Soviet invasion, as the soldier and the three women in the liberation were still together. When the Soviets saw his German uniform, he was shot and killed instantly, the women escaped. Now her life was again threatened with death - stranded somewhere in Poland, which now threatened them starve because they refused to help her village populations. Just Soviet soldiers noticed her suffering and forced the villagers by threatening to take care of the women - otherwise something would have happened if the soldiers happen the next time the village and the women were no longer alive - as told Doron Rabinovici.

early 50s Doron's mother finally learned emigrated to Israel, where she met her then future husband and father should have Doron.

immigration or return to Austria

1961 Doron Rabinovici arrived in Tel Aviv to the world. Three years later, the young family decided to leave Israel - but only "temporary." was obviously for the (temporary) emigration only a German speaking country question, because as the mother Germany as a (former) "Nazi state" out of the question was, was the second choice on Austria, which is, like Austria itself even more as victims of National Socialism than as an accomplice.

The relocation to Vienna after 1964, Murer process was provided in the Rabinovicis mother as a witness. Franz Murer was an Austrian Nazi and war criminal who was known as the "Butcher of Vilna," he Beseititung for the Jewish population Vilnas, the hometown Doron's mother's family, was responsible. Murer lived after him, the Soviet Union, where he was sentenced to forced labor, was extradited to Austria, in Styria, where he quickly than ÖVP politicians at the district level, a new career. In 1962 there was an effort to Simon Wiesenthal finally has a process in Austria to Muresan, who surrendered the whole of the national justice system to ridicule. The whole family Murer ridiculed in court to victims and witnesses, tolerated and supported by the court that the credibility of the witnesses questioned in that has the immediate moment Murer someone killed at close range with head shot, the witness's eyes closed briefly - It was course to an acquittal, as in almost all trials of war criminals in Austria after 1947. The Murer process so Rabinovici has him on descriptions of his mother "clearly marked" .

The real reason for the "temporary" emigration to Austria, however, the Import-/Export-Geschäft the father was - Vienna seemed to be ideal, and in unglobalisierten hours without Internet, cell phones and free trade, as it enabled the EU later were personal contacts for trade, which was complicated by the Iron Curtain and the east-west boundaries, essential prerequisites for a successful Entrepreneurship in the import and export business. These conditions brought Rabinocivi father, and business was good. So good that you said after two years, they remain still for a while, so the boy can still complete his graduation. A return was provided as before, because the view that one can not as a Jew living in Austria, was also represented at the Rabinovicis. The time was flying by in, and the family gradually struck roots in Austria.

youth and politicization

home was much talk about politics and Israel. Sun Rabinovici was politicized early. He was a member of Hashomer Hatzair , The Zionist-socialist youth movement, which was then a "incredibly artistic place" - there you have drawn a lot, a lot of writing. Politically Shomer saw before, that the class struggle for Jews only in a separate Jewish state was possible and worth pursuing, as in other non-Jewish societies, the working class was anti-Semitic and a confederacy therefore not possible. This was true for Austria after 1945 also unique. In the 70s, Rabinovicis youth, it was not possible for Jews left to be part of the left scene in Austria. And in the 80s, during a demonstration against the extreme right Norbert Burger were the Shomerniks, who joined with an Israeli-Zionist flag at the demonstration, personally Josef Cap (then leader of the Socialist Youth) was asked to take away the flag. When some of the members, however, refused and wanted to at least the rear end of the demo campaign going with the flag, was the bearer of the flag on the way there, as he passed by the Maoists, ripped the banner from his hand, hit him on the back and then torn. For many on the left was then, as some certainly even today, that Zionism is racism, because the consequences, the Zionism for Palestinians. So far the comments Rabinovicis about that time, which He even added that the Shomer was even then stood up for rights for the Palestinians and advocated a two-state solution.

addition was addressed by Governor Rabinovici man on Zionism, as it looked because of Zionism in Israel. It was followed by a version of how the Zionist Right in Israel grew in strength, and what distinguishes them from other directions Zionist. About that right Zionists call themselves "revisionists" and that they especially after 1967, following the 6-Day War, would have gained in popularity. Which I would like to respond but, as this has to do with either Rabinovici even with Austria, most used this information in defining the right Zionisus of that Zionism of the left Shomer.

The Jewish Community Vienna was brief talk about - but about us Ariel Muzicant been informed in detail about the move away from party politics in the 80s through to a pragmatic policy. Rabinovivici also said that the right Zionist camp in Vienna "embourgeoisified" and less radically than it used to be, and that the ICG policy had become altogether less ideological than pragmatic.

important forest home for the Jewish identity in Austria

Although the family had been so long already for many years in Vienna, as originally planned, Doron Rabinovici also took the view of his parents that they would sooner or later return to Israel. The atmosphere in Austria was so still that one, that is to document the Nazi past and refused to continue as a stylized "Hitler's first victim" . Anti-Semitism, just as to report Rabinovici knew socially acceptable even among the left. All things considered, no simple framework in order to identify as a Jew with Austria. But then, Rabinovici, "something very strange happened" : The Waldheim affair covered the entire Austrian society: suddenly was discussed: Was Austria really the first victim? 1938 was really all for the "connection"? Austria with complicity in Nazism or the Holocaust? What is the situation today with the anti-Semitism in this country?

The first was in 1965 at the Vienna University of Economics and the controversy surrounding Professor Taras Borodajkewycz , caused by the openly anti-Semitic teaching for attention. The Ministry of Education refused to investigate these allegations or to dismiss Borodajkewycz even so it came to demonstrations, during which the anti-fascist Ernst Kirchweger by a member of the ring Libertarian student was killed. This violent Death, which is the first political casualties of the Second Republic caused a stir in Austrian society and caused rethinking and sensitization of the population.

In other countries, it explored in this era of increasing the critical confrontation with the Nazi past: The role of the Resistance and the Vichy regime in France, the responsibility of Switzerland, with its restrictive visa policies and the questionable transactions of the banks - and in Austria that was the Waldheim's role as a member of an SS cavalry division in the Balkans to the occasion, public employment and work-up with the Austrian Nazi past to force. confess Everyone had to color: Is it for or against Waldheim? Why? Why not? - Were elections, the affair and the political campaigns, including the standing for election revolved around the issue. The People's Party decided not to give in, and billboard with "Vengeance". The Kronen Zeitung, never at a loss for political influence, launched also a campaign to support forest home and argued as Waldheim, that was all a conspiracy of World Jewish Congress (WJC) (pointing to the role of the Crown in the choice Waldheim Rabinovici only way, even to date, because the two Dichand Pröll wants as Chancellor and President, has some standard editor Föderl-Schmid up earlier influences of the Crown: "Without Dichand support Kurt Waldheimt would be (now even more so ') is not President now, and had Jorg Haider not exert this action in Austria" comment v. A . Föderl-Schmid, Der Standard, Sat / Sun, 20-21. June 2009, p. 36)

There were formed protest groups, and so far left groups acting separately, had already protested against Murer found by the common "enemies" closer together. Waldheim's statement, "I have only done my duty" - a statement that, so Rabinovici unnoticed, until recently taken place had "- caused a sudden stir

And in the wake of all these changes, the breaking of crusts, also found Rabinovici his place in the Austrian society. ! Kurt Waldheim made me the Austrians"

aftermath of the Waldheim affair

The consequences of the Waldheim affair were not only positive, as might be expected given the awareness and serious efforts to overcome the past and education. This ambiguity has also been of various other participants represented in this discussion series. This was also Rabinovici that this great Conflict between left and right around Waldheim ultimately the rise of a Jörg Haider had promoted the Freedom Party was more radical. Thinking About


at the election battle between Bruno Kreisky and Josef Klaus, is a Rabinovici that Klaus with "a real Austrians" billboard, insinuierend, Kreisky was not a "true Austrians". Judaism, and the response of anti-Semitic ideas in the minds of the Austrians played in this election so very assertive. That Kreisky won, even though the ÖVP it indirectly so as "faux Austrian" defamed and anti-Semitism in Austria, as is often occupied, then (and presumably, perhaps to a lesser extent even today) was "recognized" socially acceptable and socially, the country man brought to the question Rabinovici, then why Kreisky in his opinion "as a Jew" could still be elected. Rabinovici: "He was an outstanding, wonderful foreign minister", a "very good social-democratic politicians". Even anti-Semites could choose Kreisky, he acted as anti-Semitic. He transported apparently so Rabinovici, also the idea that Austria was that the first victims of Nazi Germany, which he, in connection with awareness in the population that he is a Jew, next leap in the (anti-Semitic) Recipients produced: "He ought to know" (considered as an Austrian Jew and Austria as the first victim of Nazi Germany).

following further examples of Kreisky's handling of his Jewish identity brought Rabinovici:
- In a meeting with Israelis (I do not know exactly what a meeting it, probably with government officials, ambassadors, etc.) should Kreisky at the beginning " 'have: "first made clear that this is clear, I am not a Jew, saw ethnic Jews are not a people" (probably not literally, in spirit).. A German Social Democratic politician said to have replied (again in spirit, as it has played Rabinovici): "Ok, I am aware that Jews are a people - but if I am asked who is the largest Jewish politician, I say Kreisky" The wanted Kreisky disagree, of course not, and so reacted as it was evident in many situations on many occasions Kreisky's way with a joke (see Erich Lessing, of Kreisky personally knew him as "very good joke teller" hereinafter) . This joke, I could not write down word for word, and he will not develop here writing secure the same effect as if it had told Kreisky or Rabinovici, who played this joke yes , has told, but the spirit of it is to be here, of course mentioned yet:
- An Orthodox Jew from the Leopold city, with caftan and a full beard is, in 1938 while crossing the Urania Bridge stopped by a policeman: "Go's da better ned over, because be badgered g'rad Jews. " Then, the Orthodox Jew: "Thank you sir, but I'll give derkennen to me ned"
(Who knows the joke and can reproduce it correctly, is welcome to leave a comment, I will not eventually Salcia countryman's footsteps move, which saw itself as the preserver of Jewish humor and wit, but in their books, so Torberg, the violently outrage and completely trashing their books, the jokes misleading such that it neither as a "typically Jewish" could be perceived as funny.)

But back to Kreisky's domestic policy. Why Kreisky formed a coalition with the Freedom Party in general? The obvious and correct course to avoid the eternal proportional-egg dance with the ÖVP, and avoided the ongoing power struggle between the two major parties with a taboo, namely a coalition with the FPÖ, which had ruled previously appeared as a government partner by both parties categorically. The Freedom Party was the Kreisky ago but only on condition that an election reform takes place, which Kreisky also realized. SPÖ and ÖVP-FPÖ were now working against "successions" in the country.

Then followed another large coalition Cabinet Vranitzky ended the coalition Cabinet with the FPÖ. The acquisition was by Wolfgang Schüssel of the ÖVP, so Rabinovici, evident that the Austrian People's Party wants to take revenge on the then taboo of the Social Democratic Party, say that the Austrian People's Party to cooperate with the Freedom Party holds open. It was therefore 1999/2000 as it had to: the People's Party forms a coalition with the FPÖ.

Why then 2000 as an outrage against the ÖVP-FPÖ coalition with? "2000's it different," says Rabinovici. The Freedom Party under Jörg Haider was more right than it was under Peter. Haider, Sun Rabinovici, a union of the people was:
1) "aggression against parliamentary values" against the Constitutional Court against ICG, etc.
2) relativization of the past, "Aggression of Remembrance"
3) racism

bowl just by integrating the Freedom Party into the government to defuse this. This worked but only briefly, but left long-term damage and in the next election, the FPÖ again reached almost the same results as in the 1999 elections - now, together with the BZÖ, even more.

pitfalls of the Prohibition Act

Again, the Kronen Zeitung. As Rabinovici once a conversation (interview?), by Helmut Zilk, who the JWC is to have referred to as "hostage-takers in Austria," Rabinovici first thought because Zilk had rashly accepted the arguments of the Kronen Zeitung. When he accused this Zilk, Zilk was, however, with this statement, which again give his own opinion. In the course of this conversation (I do not know whether in writing or orally, is said to be for any occasion and in what medium it) should have in any case Rabinovici said in passing that the Kronen Zeitung is anti-Semitic.

then charged him the crown (probably for defamation or allegation of a crime or something ... because of the prohibition law is the charge to someone that he is anti-Semitic, already accused of a crime ... or something like that), at least they did this was the first lawyer letter to any student who apparently had a similar name. It actually came to trial, but that was canceled, understandably, after the first meeting since the charges against the student quickly proved to be unfounded. The crown did it get this and not complained again. Defendant time: Rabinovicis father. This could, however, does not even appear in court because he has long since passed away.

third try, and lo and behold, they have still managed to Doron Rabinovicis names to write properly to achieve. As done in the case of a conviction Rabinovici course with all the means at literary aufmerskam had, especially on the margins to the indictment, the Crown would have been willing to settle out of court, so I have at least understood. It was agreed that the Crown assumed Rabinovici not that it was anti-Semitic. What he may not had to say and write that the Kronen Zeitung "latent anti-Semitism makes acute".

As you can see from this example, restricts the prohibition law is not only that one, the (public) (want) to appear anti-Semitic or inflammatory, but also those that anti-Semitism such persons and blame racism. If that fact can not be proven, this is the criminal offense to subject someone a criminal act (legally correct, unfortunately I can not define, since it must look elsewhere).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Crusing Areas In Greensboro

9th VO - 19 May 2009 - Arik Brauer

childhood and youth

Arik Brauer was born in 1929 in Vienna. His father came from Lithuania and lived in Vienna, Ottakring, as a shoemaker. His mother helped with the operation. When the Nazis in 1938 Austria "joined", was abducted and killed brewer's father in a concentration camp.

His father "believed in the German culture" . He knew Schiller by heart all the ballads, he did not believe "that Nazis can be so cruel." He thought that everything that happened after the connection, must go by quickly, that these are uncontrolled excesses, the new rulers, the Nazis would leave quickly. He was wrong. The Nazis "have turned him into soap." (Quote: Brauer)

Arik himself and his mother survived - more or less hidden - in Vienna. From their apartment they were thrown out, the shoemaker Aryanized operation. The new owner, however, Arik's mother illegally again, what the family ultimately survive in Vienna allowed. For only with Food stamps, which the Jews were granted in Vienna, it was possible, so brewers will not survive long.

National Socialism in Vienna

Arik Brauer spent so the entire Nazi period in Vienna. At first he was still occasionally harassed, but as soon as he had to wear the yellow Star of David visible on the clothing, made him the people largely alone, rather a bow made of him. That was then but the people "too steep", "as medieval," said Brauer. This "branding" should ensure that Jews will be detected immediately and never gets where it does not hindurften - what it was about everything, from the tram down to the school to go shopping or the movies (if you have ever had any money). However, you can see, despite all the stereotypes, not necessarily a Jew looks. And apart from this brewer saw not very "Jewish" from. So he pulled his jacket on the Star of David was attached to, simply wrong when he as a child that had to do not attend school for lack of not much all day, went somewhere where he hindurfte not really. Like when he went to the movies.

Whether the Vienna knew what was happening to the Jews being taken away? According to Brauer, yes, at least part of the truth. It was known that the Jews to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz are brought, they knew it was there "terrible approaching. But how terrible that you did not necessarily - or you could not believe it. People say that sometimes, "to be gassed," but it was probably hard to believe. Where, so brewers, who should have known non-Jewish population that at least "idiots" to be gassed.

When Vienna as good as "Jews", was developed in the for the "transport of Jews" competent authorities a certain momentum. Because knowing the soldiers: As soon as the last Jew has been brought from Vienna, has its place unnecessary and they are sent to the front - and hardly wanted someone, the longer ran the war, the less, because the more you knew about the hard front reality .

So began the Vienna offices (and probably not only the Vienna), one that tries press the "remaining Jews" back and forth. They wanted to "keep", so that one has "to do" - not for his own life to feed on the eastern front of the probable death. go on Israel, Paris and Vienna again

Whether he had a problem after 1945, in Austria:

After 1945? Each one gives the hand could, indeed a "Jewish butchers" have been! - No. Something he does not know. "Every human being is its own world." Something he is not generalized.

studied after the war as soon as possible (he had to make up most likely be the Matura) and joined the Communist Party to - but he turned his back on soon. Until 1951 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Painting, where he co-founded, inter alia, Ernst Fuchs, the School of Fantastic Realism, and from 1947 to 1951 he also studied violin at the music school. Thereafter, until 1954, he traveled by bicycle through Europe and Africa.

Brauer then went to Israel where he met and married a singer. They moved to Paris, as it is the "Center of Art" was, and Vienna for an artist at that time was boring - nothing going on, "as in Bratislava. In Paris, he appeared with his wife as a singing duo, he also provided the musical Accompaniment. The pair now lives half a year between Israel and Paris. Brauer cared above all about the painting, but returned to first exhibitions he returned with his wife in Vienna. 'home ground is the home ground ", .'s Life in Vienna is more beautiful than in Paris Paris is a hard ground" - whether "very difficult to find an apartment or studio" - in Vienna, in the third, He had, however regardless of what matches found.

anti-Semitism, restitution question, remembering, Waldheim

If he does against someone anti-Semitic remarks, it is the "damn" . For this is "His problem" , the problem of someone who does. "I'm not afraid." (Brauer)

It bothers him, of course, even if politicians and the media to act anti-Semitic, but "that's true everywhere. 10% of people in each country see the world." this connection, he remembers the Austrian Interior Minister Oskar Helmer that is, the recorded in protocols, for restitution question the statement "I am sure to consider the matter at length," has given of himself, and so Brauer, has meant in spirit: "Wait 'till they die ma. Such a thing was of course very annoying and immoral.

But the third generation has the restitution matter finally "taken in hand - better late than never."

As for the Holocaust, the Shoa, concerns, and the question whether such a thing could happen again: the Holocaust was the greatest crime in history - but also the first to be processed and will be.

also gabs about Waldheim to say not very much that we did not know already. "There's a ham g'schlachtet wengal the wrong pig" fell to a brewer. For Peter it would have been more appropriate [the outrage, etc.]. But Waldheim had acted wrong: "g'sehn belong with nothing, nothing, only commands executed ".

to Strache, FPÖ and right now

What Austria is different today from Austria in 1938 ? At the time Nazis were part of the Elite - 80% of teachers, etc." (Brauer) - . now you have to look Nazis, in the inn " The Freedom Party is for the ." uneducated layer, nothing to read, or at best crown "

30% of FPÖ voters, brewers, were not fascists or anti-Semites - these are people who have problems with immigration: "I can already imagine how a pensioner in the 15th District is: Runaway owigehn not the stairs " (Brauer) [. Where classify the remaining 70% of voters would be to have occurred not in the course of conversation]

Israel, Gaza

" What Israel is doing ruled, is bad - you can say that. But what would make Israel, no one knows - something we have to do " And how to deal with the Palestinian territories Brauer, mutatis mutandis: the two-state solution, the single will be what comes into question this, however, that the government.?. in Palestine [ie, the Palestinian government in the Palestinian territories], the control of Country and population.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How To Use Cheats On Pokemon Ipod

8th VO - 12 May 2009 - Erich Lessing

childhood and youth

Erich Lessing was born in 1923 in Vienna. He was a member of the Socialist Youth, which was made illegal in 1934, the Austro-fascist corporate state. The relationship between illegal corporate state socialists and learning was still better than about between illegal "swastika learning" and socialists. Lessing still dominates, as he proudly told the technique of painted on walls and walls of swastikas being a "perverse" to draw SDAP - and with his hands behind his back (how it exactly looks and I do not, however).

From Policy of the corporate state was directly affected his family, due to the so-called "dual law". This was that in married couples (or general budgets?), In which both partners are employed, one had to renounce the exercise of his profession. His father was a dentist, his mother a concert pianist. Which of the two now had to give up the profession, I do not know anymore. Probably his mother. The question remains which of the two state employees was / r ... possibly the law applied not only to state employees. In any case, this proposed method of combating unemployment in the corporate state directly to the household income of Lessing.

His parents described Lessing as "persuaded the Jews." Jewish traditions, customs, festivals were observed live, but not orthodox. We celebrated Hanukkah, Bar Mitzvah, etc. Sukkot Lessing also appeared as a child in the swimming section of the Hakoah. The religious education at school looked like that all Jewish children were taught the high school in a class. At least since 1936 but this was more lessons in Jewish history as a religious or Zionist lessons because the teacher was actually a mathematician, who for some reason was not allowed to teach mathematics.

After the Anschluss in 1938 all Jewish high school students of the 7th, 8th and 9 District for religious education (or general?) in the RG 8 summarized in Albert Street. However, even temporarily, for soon after Jews were forbidden to attend school. Until leaving in 1939 Lessing were still down some obstacles in their way.

After connection: should emigrate separation from the family, escaped to Haifa

that the family was, probably until after the November pogrom of 1938 all clear really. Because only the end of 1938 Lessing began efforts to depart from Vienna. At this time it did the Nazis want to leave, but even more difficult than in the first months after the Anschluss. After the November pogrom was suddenly everything changes, everything worse. Personal relationships between Jews and non-Jews, in the case of the family such as Lessing, when it came to an official stamp for any documents (specifically: When Adolf Brunner - not identical with the war criminal Adolf Brunner - in the Prinz-Eugen-Strasse obviously important stamp distributed and somehow familiar with Lessing, was making the whole smoothly and quickly, without harassment, proceeded), did not work, not later than 1939, probably because no grace, no exemptions have been more tolerated. Even with the regional administration was apparent after the November pogrom of radicalization, Lessing. For while the pogrom, this did not worry that will be destroyed "so much" (well, especially in relation to business or flats and less because of the synagogues), and soon after it was no matter what, in the course of the persecution of the Jews are destroying everything.

that Lessing had to wait a year before he could emigrate legally, is certainly harassment due to the Nazi bureaucracy. Because of a valid passport you need two valid documents, namely, one on the "Jewish property levy" and another that you leave no debt (if I understood correctly). Both documents were only 14 days, but the waiting time for the second document (which you could obviously get only if the first was provided), was at least as long as the first document that expired again was. It had been so, Lessing, no two valid documents while in the hand and never came so his passport which was needed to leave. Apparently it was indeed once the meeting with a notary, Dr. Harrandt, which allowed Lessing, come in good time on his passport and to leave Vienna at one of the last occasions in December 1939. In Lessing's case was to be exact, a "school certificate", issued by the Jewish Agency, with whom he could leave.

He took the train to Trieste, from where it went with the "Galilee" in Haifa. He went alone, because his mother wanted him to stay in Vienna to leave not only their mother. What happened to the father is unfortunately escaped me, but probably of this period have not seen already. Lessing also had an uncle in Vienna, who owned a mill, the company "Brach & Lessing. This Lessing left a legacy - not more we learned of this.

Until 1942, he got through the Red Cross messages from his mother, then broke off the contact. Through research, his daughter Hannah he learned of their fate in the concentration camps.

time in Palestine / Israel

In the former Mandate of Palestine Lessing went to a kibbutz in Beit Sha'ar, if I understood correctly (and which it, according to my research possible in German and English, at least two). It certainly was "bourgeois-Zionist" and Lessing's task was there to watch on a nearby mountain to the correct pitch of the source of three Israeli and one Palestinian villages village. So he sat there and spent many hours reading time. The rest of the time he measured fish ponds. The kibbutz, at least in any case the ponds, there are today, there are even very many to come. He then read a lot during his time as a taxi driver in Haifa (or Tel Aviv?), To certain times when there was little clientele. With photography, it is only in 1950 came in contact professionally. His first camera he had indeed been to his bar mitzvah in Vienna when he was 13 to get. But used more or less professional, he has it only from his time as a paratrooper in the British military (he shot out of the plane, possibly with his jumps, although something of a "box" was - once it is him then at a rough landing also broke down).

return to Austria

His first impression on returning to Austria - again, via Trieste and then by train to Vienna - was the following: If the passport control at the Austrian border, the official British passport by Erich Lessing took them , looked at him expired smiled gently, gave the passport back, and disappeared as silently as the whole process is. It was, Lessing, as a hidden welcome him.

Even with the return to Vienna, from which he had to leave about 8 years earlier, he had no problem. He met some nice people, such as the Social Democratic caretaker of once again, which were wonderful experiences. But he met people he had in 1938/39 unpleasant. The apartment where Lessing lived before the flight was now occupied by someone else. He did not try to get them back. But he sought his old furniture - and found them in the shops of interest: When coal merchant, the greengrocer, etc., he got back - he can pick them up, he said.

That he has returned to Austria, is due basically to the fact that it was more difficult to get a visa for France (he wanted to professionalize his photography in Paris), than with a British passport to enter into some British-occupied Austria . He then asked for all agencies in Vienna, whether they need a photographer. Although he could not photograph well, as he told us, but: "others not" . He found a job with Associated Press, where he met his future wife, Traudl - A Christian who later, before the children came, is a convert to Judaism (mikvah had to make a , a kind of "baptismal bath" in the "dip").

His high point as a photographer - at least its most successful and most famous photos - so were the photos of the Hungarian uprising 1956th That he was at the right time and right place is because that he has already felt the whole time, what will happen. The mood, the tension in the nation have shown this. And when the Soviets withdrew after the uprising in Hungary, he had already can not believe that the fallen can. So he's traced the car to transport troops to the border - and after the border were already large storage tanks and, apparently just waiting for an assignment command. Lessing went back to Budapest and then announced his assessment that the Russians would come back. But no one could or wanted to believe it until then it just happened yet. So it was that Lessing apparently was the only photographer, was able to supply the images from the suppression of the uprising in Budapest. Even before it was over, he was back in Vienna, and the photos were their journey around the world.

Lessing was then at least in Austria and was also registered, although rather irreligious, "good" at the Jewish Community because "befits" . Over the years, he has to go also in the lives to "at least on the high holy days" in the synagogue.

Jewish identity

Although Lessing rather irreligious as described and, as I say, could make friends later, with regular visits synagogue, he describes himself as "a committed Jew." Because "has its staunch Jew nothing to do with religion" (Quote Lessing).

He also told an anecdote about his daughter, Hannah Lessing, as General Secretary of the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism should give a speech in Parliament. She worked on the speech and then came the following question to her father, Am I really Jewish or Austrian Austrian Jewish? A clear answer could not seem to give her Erich: Both, actually comes to it, with whom you speak. regard to religiosity in the family, says Lessing, it is a "schizophrenic family" : half / half. Daughter Hannah lives more religiously and eats the other daughter again not kosher.

to Israel asked ("How do you stand today with Israel") , Lessing had only silent times about 10 seconds - he was not a word, no sentence that he should say. After several attempts to utter a word, he then said in any case, he, or "man" does not interfere in the affairs of other countries have - "even if you have a certain affinity to" . As for the war in Gaza: Israel has learned from the Lebanon war to do so, Lessing. Because on both sides, there was very little loss. Israel has tried both among the Palestinian civilian population and among its own soldiers to avoid losses as much as possible.

to Kreisky Wiesenthal

also Erich Lessing Kreisky knew personally. He has more positive memories, Kreisky was about one very good jokes have been tell. The Kreisky-Wiesenthal affair was for him "none of the finer events" was. The reason for the violent confrontation between the two is for Lessing also due to the fact that both were "difficult personalities" that "talk is not" just wanted. Kreisky had carried on their character rather the setting of the assimilated middle-class Viennese Jewish community of the '20s, such as an Otto Bauer, Victor Adler, he had decided to be a European Jew - so Lessing Kreisky.

interesting statements made on the relationship between Lessing and Kreisky Israel. Sun Kreisky was yes to the demands of the terrorists , demanding the abandonment of the interim storage Schönau (community Marchegg) in Austria, where Russian Jews waiting to emigrate to Israel. The Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, then traveled to Vienna in order to deter Kreisky, to give in to terrorists, and tried him for that purpose to "be Jewish" to remember. Kreisky was to it, however, a (not his Judaism in this case is "meaningless") and closed the camp anyway. The emigration of Russian Jews from the Soviet Union to Israel was, moreover, continue to Austria.

And what the affair concerns Wiesenthal Kreisky, Sun Kreisky's excitement about Wiesenthal's revelations and allegations could be explained with the fact that Peter Kreisky (Friedrich Peter, Vice Chancellor, FPÖ) have used, not just to be chancellor. Kreisky said to have had a interest, Lessing, that Peter and the Freedom Party is voted pro-Israeli. They wanted "the Liberals' Peter strengthen the effect and use it to the Freedom Party to make a liberal party. Israel also has supported those interests and supported. It has been around for a meal with Lessing, the Israeli ambassador and Peter. Wiesenthal's allegations but all efforts have "undermined" and everything destroyed. Had " the policy is working, we would have no Strache problem ", the most interesting comments Lessing of Kreisky, Wiesenthal, Peter and Israel.

to Waldheim and anti-Semitism today

The relationship between Lessing and Waldheim was " uninteresting - ". Whether the" Waldheim was an uninteresting man campaign against Waldheim had promoted anti-Semitism ? "How's doing is 'wrong' " hushing " would have been no better solution

to the coming elections.. : The development around Strache FPÖ and the bad, the coming elections will show, "what is going on" . In any case, Lessing "because Haider's 10 times better than the Strache, who had at least an opportunist."

And today's anti-Semitism, or anti-Semitism in general: "anti-Semitism has nothing to do with Jews." (in reference to the fact that it is anti-Semitism even in regions where no Jews live or exercised, would have any impact - key word: "anti-Semitism without Jews"). In Vorarlberg, Lessing, it is to be 10 times more likely to run over by a car as a Jew to have to shake his hand.

Rent Chains From Uhaul?

7th VO - 5 May 2009 - Paul Chaim Eisenberg

Paul Chaim Eisenberg since 1983 chief rabbi of the Israelite Religious Community (IKG) in Vienna. Originally wanted Eisenberg mathematician, he also studied, but finally the dream of every rabbi came true - a dream that bishops can not have: The son will succeed. For 35 years, from 1948 until his death in 1983, Paul Eisenberg's father, Akiba Eisenberg, Chief Rabbi of Vienna.

As compared with the bishop, Eisenberg has thus brought (in spirit anyway), is touched upon, he quips like. Someone asks him a question, he often brings out first and tells a story that originated in either one of the holy books, stories and other traditions or lie in personal experiences or observations. Sometimes it also does a joke, to prepare the questioner and the audience on the wisdom of the following reply. Also in an interview in the time last February, he could not help but question the first time to answer with a joke . That's just his way, what value his followers also very much. The Chief Rabbi, so Eisenberg, indeed must not be the most pious of all the Jews of a community, he must get along well with all more or less. Humor is here certainly a useful property.

But the Jewish community in Vienna is not only a Chief Rabbi. The ICG, which dates back to the Israelite law of 1890 is basically just a construct to keep the different Jewish denominations under one roof - "added so that the Emperor's peace" suspected Eisenberg - because otherwise it would possibly every day another Rabbi came to him to complain about his worries. But there is a head that can speak for all - and internal squabbles and disagreements must be settled internally.

The Jewish community of Vienna, which officially includes only about 9,000 people (but, like ICG President Muzicant recently revealed, it probably 20,000) will, therefore about 10 Rabbis and 16, 17 synagogues - which synagogue should be understood here not to, and as the large, distinct temple, but, with the exception of the City Temple, houses of worship or prayer rooms says (see also below details according Muzicant: 6 rabbis and 14, 15 prayer houses ) . A special feature of Vienna was, as Muzicant had already stressed that all streams of Orthodox and Reform Judaism are organized under one roof and get along quite well together. The only exception is Or Hadash to assign a the Reform Judaism, only a few hundred-member group, which has the task prescribed by the faith away Jews again to get closer to religion. The forms of religious practice in this case should probably still be further from conceptions of the orthodox, as in other Protestant groups. In any case, almost all other groups within the Jewish Community threatened with discharge, Or Hadash should be included. But under Eisenberg who could all agree on a compromise, so that Or Hadash heard no official of the Jewish Community, but its members are also ICG members very well or can be, and the group in the message body of the Jewish community, the community , Like all other groups a place for announcements and notices, and they use a prayer room, which is available to them by the Jewish Community was made. A division of the county, as has been done in Budapest, could be prevented. Basis of compromise, Eisenberg: Every Jew is a member of the community - within which groups is secondary.

It was therefore especially to the Jewish community of Vienna and manifestations of Judaism. Topics such as Bruno Kreisky and Kurt Waldheim was not addressed. We learned, however Nocht something about how Akiba father survived the Nazi era. He could, like many other Jews, including country man hiding in Budapest. According to Eisenberg, it was in Budapest, so that was taken very late by the Nazis, where many houses, where one relative as a Jew sure was - as long as one has not left these homes. With that method, 60000-80000 Jews survived - but were then deported in large numbers by the Soviets to Siberia. Akiba Eisenberg also was taken by the Russians and placed in a group that was probably destined for transport to Siberia. The officer was probably also a Jew - at least he had Akiba removed from the group when he told him he was a rabbi. I guess this was his salvation.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lexington Es-335 Review

6th VO - 21 April 2009 - Oscar Bronner

After three weeks of Easter break came Oscar Bronner as the sixth guest Peter Landmann. The very first question was the same then as now his name be spelled correctly - With "k" or "c". With 'c' since its birth in 1943 in Haifa still in the time of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine fell, which was under British control. Further reading Landesmann a brief biography from Wikipedia before Bronner, whose last section seemed to me very aware - I'm already for years as the average consumer Wikipedia-author and co-author and many hundreds of articles. But here, in principle, only those things are mentioned that are not already in Wikipedia, or look for other easy-to-find places on the Internet. So we come to Bronner's youth.

childhood and family

Bronner's parents, the future comedian Gerhard Bronner and his wife knew each other already from her youth in Vienna, which was interrupted in 1938, however. Gerhard's parents were arrested when the Nazis, he fled alone to live with relatives in Slovakia. There he earned by playing the guitar some pocket money before he fled to Haifa. There, he met the girl back from Vienna, where he soon married (the two were then about 17, 18 years old) and their first son, a few years later, Oscar was.

Bronner first grew up bilingual, since German was spoken at home, in kindergarten, but in Hebrew (Ivrit). When the young family in 1948 after Vienna came back - especially Oscar's mother did this to her parents, who survived in Shanghai to meet again - Oscar had to rework his knowledge of German. So his parents gave him, so to speak, private tuition, which was so successful that he was then scarcely a word in Hebrew more.

When his father a job with German television in Hamburg got (it was like the end of 1952), the family moved there. Oscar went to school there for two years, until his parents separated. He then went five years in Bonn, where his mother now lived in the school. There he was a good student, but back in Austria, he had great difficulties at school. He broke from 17 to school work, went, attended also by the way university lectures and took A-levels by as Externist.

The rest of his biography and career, so his encounters with Qualtinger and Torberg, his voluntary work for various newspapers, etc. everything is elsewhere, including on some websites, well described (see link at the bottom of this post) and was here only mentioned briefly.

Jewish identity

anti-Semitic experiences Oscar has never been in Vienna. Father Gerard was never irreligious, his mother was not also a religious education. The family, in which he was born "was completely irreligious. "(Bronner) So did Oscar in school probably as little as most of his classmates why that witness stand Mosaic" and what it was all about. That he is Jewish, was Bronner only become aware of step by step. A was to this effect key experience it is not. was about Judaism, Politics, Palestine or Israel at home never spoken, although intense father Gerhard as a comedian, at least with the policy employed. Whatever is in me Jewish, has with religion has nothing to do. (Bronner ) Bronner was only later in his life to "his Jews" - probably due to his marriage in 1988 and the points arising from this marriage two children. Thus play a role Jewish holidays, but "nothing else" .

to Israel Bronner since returning with his parents from Haifa, no relation. For politics, he could only say that Israel "very much true" did that and "very much wrong," . But "the other side of things have gone wrong."

to Kreisky

it, then back to the Standards: Let's start with Kreisky (in the sense of the chronology of the survey). As already some of the previous guests and Bronner has made Kreisky personally acquainted. And this is also his acquaintance of the due to relationship (remember: Georg Markus knew Kreisky, because his grandmother was a neighbor of Kreisky's mother in Brno and was friends with the family). In Bronner, the acquaintance is less neighborly, for political reasons. Bronner's uncle, an Oscar, one has probably written with "k" (as well as his brother Gerhard was born in Vienna and not in an English managed area), was a social democrat and a friend of Bruno Kreisky.

The Kreisky-Wiesenthal affair annoyed father Gerhard, also a social democrat, very much. Oscar (with "c") at that time had already established a profile, who followed the events and criticized. In the lecture Bronner said: "Kreisky has acted as very bad, we'll tell [...] times with Kreisky's just a very complex issue." because he was irreligious and, in particular as a socialist or social democrat set. The ideology behind it was just so Bronner (spirit) that is the basis for an anti-free world of social justice - socialism instead of religion. Why

sought cooperation with Friedrich Peter Kreisky, the FPÖ leader and former Waffen SS member who tries to understand Bronner with the following statements: Kreisky was interned during the Austro-fascism as a socialist with illegal Nazis in Wöllersdorf . Socialists Nazis and then had a common enemy: the Christian Socialists. One of his former colleagues helped Kreisky custody after the Anschluss in 1938 as a Nazi to escape from Austria. "Kreisky was just a product of this strange mixture of position" (Bronner) .

to Peter Friedrich country man knew also that these more liberal wing of the Freedom Party, which goes back to the Revolution of 1848, was a member, and not to the German national. Peter has Landesmann told also that he "cured by anti-Semitism" was when he as a U.S. prisoner of war by a Jewish officer interrogated and slapped was. That was so impressed him and sent a picture of a "strong Jews" conveys that he claims to have never seen before. He did it at least tells the country man.

The Freedom Party and Haider

Regarding the liberal roots of the FPÖ country man said further that Norbert Steger was trying to make the Freedom Party to the Liberal party - similar to the FDP in Germany - so but failed, and of Haider and the German national wing say "coup" was. Austria was simply too small a liberal tradition, which is why Heide Schmidt, who resigned so because of the "coup" of the German national wing of the FPÖ and the "Liberal Forum" was founded, could not be established in the Austrian political landscape. In any event

, around 1989/1990, as Haider's ascent began, Bronner had to make even discuss the "pleasure" with Jörg Haider personally acquainted. Haider and his "Buberlpartie" were suddenly approached purposefully Bronner, so that he could no longer avoid it. 've been, who congratulated him on his newspaper (The standard was so recently, in 1988, founded) and sent as Haider, combined names of people he had once meant he and Brenner had a lot in common, for he, Haider, was a The standard liberal politicians and a liberal newspaper. Bronner replied that he did not believe him, because he may give very different things by themselves, as they would suggest a liberal attitude. Haider then immediately reassured that were slip-ups, right past statements were (and for 1989/1990!), He would now pursue liberal policies. Bronner said again that he does not believe him. There was a bet that Haider would never have "right-slip" - if it does, Haider Bronner owes a bottle of champagne. As for 1989/1990 have all sounded out of Haider's mouth is well known. Bronner, however, called the betting profits are not produced.

that Haider introduced himself as a liberal politician, Bronner says the fact that Haider containing "a chameleon" was. He always wanted all be popular, at least in his interlocutors. He always adapts to his audience, the better stop with the "right" to do since he knows from home.

to Waldheim

Bronner, mutatis mutandis: Waldheim was an opportunist, he was "in part a tragic figure" . He was confronted by the JWC (Jewish World Congress) with false accusations to which he had then, however, responded incorrectly. Namely, in a way that the wrongs against him again justified. He was a "sober thinker and has until the end of his life is not recognized," as he is partly responsible for the wrongs against him.

well as a result his "simple thought" is seen that Waldheim also sought to Bronner contact, Bronner is indeed a Jew, and therefore probably would have anything to do with the JWC.

criticism of the standard

A question was in the audience to Gudrun Harrer, the Middle East expert of the standard. This will sometimes even by Jews as one-sided, more pro-Arab and referred to israel-critical or even hostile. Bronner can not understand, he does not see any bias. Harrer is designated a Middle East expert, speaks Ivrit and Arabic and used sources from both sides. It was subject to a maximum of perhaps sometimes the mechanism Israel as a democracy that allows for criticism, but in Arab countries but also in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories little criticism and opposition available or possible.

Even further to an objection that there are still well-known Palestinian critics outside Israel / Palestine, which would come in other media to speak, but not in the standard, can not understand Bronner. Substantial, was not told about these points.

Further reading:
- I can highly recommended the following text from the date 10/08:
Stim Klaus Eder, Eva Weissenberger The boy from Haifa excerpt (from the Bronner's biography Nevertheless )