Monday, August 30, 2010

Warband Marriage Female


And it is a placeholder in the truest sense of the word.
:-) Actually, I would like to show a gift that I made for my sister ... But because of the risk that they will themselves see, I'll leave it for the first time to stay and show you a wild card.

Stops the point in the book a place in the man / woman is straight.

I am this week Strohwittwe and note - no man, the use of the Internet designed to be surprisingly difficult!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Are Sensitive Teeth Normal After Getting Braces

red and yellow thank supporters time

A dear friend has done me a great service to me and a few CDs made available, I could really use much.

As a thank you I did something to her strung.
She loves red accessories and often wears dark shirts. That's why I've bubbled it some color.
The power is now on its way to Germany.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Peeing A Lot, Pain In Stomach

Soon enclosure magnification

Yesterday I welcome nibble with Nero rod demonstrative "! To Mach hop I want" Said all of the sudden we went from:) In between, he slept in his tunnel. Generally, he sleeps pretty sweet .. he falls on the Teppig on little, hehe. Teppichtarnfell.

Alva will always .. I call it not bold, but it is quiet, it is the first time did not go into the cage when I went to open the window. Today, however, it was courageous, she sniffed at my feet - a first! Generally, it is strongly oriented to Nero and would like to follow him everywhere, but Nero has apparently spending time in the vicinity of the great, mysterious bipeds that are as fatal to still move! O_o He sleeps quite as happy in the threshold of human and animal room ^ ^

Yesterday, we finally bought batteries and a bucket, because even with the birds I have big plans. But the camera is first of all have creepy. ^ ^ At Ikea we bought another carpet.
Unfortunately we had to take away his cardboard Nero yesterday, as he only non-shredded but obviously a bit of devouring it.
Buy Today we have other grid elements for the protection of the wallpaper, better safe than sorry.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Masterbate Before Go To Sleep

After a week of intermittent

Today, the two Hoppels a little lazy, the dynamics of yesterday, today I could not be observed in the measurements. But that's not so bad.
The day started as always with 2 handful of fresh hay. Add to that a little dish came with a carrot, celery and a large piece of fennel, where I placed the safe side, a few drops of linseed oil. But as no longer occurring, and look the more Köddelketten Köddel otherwise normal, I think, is the coarsest first eaten ^ ^ This is today a premiere, a piece of banana. Do they have the whole day but still not touched. Furthermore, we want to get used to a little leafy vegetables. Today I started with a piece of lollo rosso. He certainly eaten hats wait, now if he tolerates it well .. but I think so. Whether Alva ate their half, I do not know as it is to be excited when whoever is in the room and looks, so I let it rather be alone after feeding, so they were also familiar to some food.
Alva is still shy. While Nero eats from your hand and stroke also can she continues to hold distance and flee, if she is too colorful, rather in the cage.
beginning was so slight complications with judging of Nero's behavior if you want to pass close to him and he dozed off .. namely, he is happy in the door area ^ ^ I have got used to blow on the next to tick him gently on the side where I would pass. He looks that is accurate and you can just pass by without a frightened it jumps between the legs. However, he then tends to want to sniff at the moment on his feet, so caution is always appropriate in principle anyway;)
Nero's favorite pastime is actually the destruction of paper and the players' tunnel, he seems like auseinanderrupft, hehe. Alva may also suffer from the tunnel.
I'm in the burrow recently also find sand forest on litter. The cortical parts Nero has already broken and chewed happily spat.
Unfortunately I still have no battery for my camera and where the cable for my phone, no one knows .. thus are still no photos available ... here my love to give and unconditionally with our spoons animals! : D

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

White Warts Inside Dogs Mouth

Two new noses

On Thursday, 8/13/2010 it was time. It should move in a new rabbit with us.
The day before, we spent the animal rabbit safe room set (Fuzzle needed something not all) get to rabbits and new accessories. That helped tremendously over the grief over it. I wanted a
Pair from a shelter that has many advantages. The buck has been neutered and they are already socialized. I was very excited. We opted for the here in Hamburg.
We had planned to look first, what it shall indicate Kanineken .... but how this is so, a couple was us to heart, and then it should be. Elliot and Elena were just a year at the shelter, because the goat is deaf and apparently lacks the right eye. Thus he jumps to one or more times already quite happy if he hates himself. She is very shy and hardly wanted to show.
My friend found the buck really great and he should be called Nero. I called the little elf then befitting Alva ^ ^
Am 13.08. we then picked up. He immediately investigated everything checked, and sniffs. She sat in an open cage in the house and came out first not there.
beginning it was strange indeed to deal with Nero, because he hatzte forward if they wanted to put something into the enclosure. But what is probably territorial behavior. Meanwhile, we have used to each other, so that only happened when he was really frightened doll.
First they have the open cage, plus a free pen, all in all, with 3m ³ or too small. But they will next month get the whole room. We let them run loose
now all day everywhere, because they make no effort to to go to the wallpaper, only to watch any cable you have with Nero yet. One of the
Hasis, however, has hair in the stomach, it was a longer Köddelkette. Now there are always a little linseed oil onto fresh food, so sashayed better.

Nero can keep a very busy - now are you, AAAB Kanineken inclined to do this, just because in addition want to ... add squeeze where they should not go there, I had to imagine all what and when 'ne vase under the heating is so he not crawl underneath her to get behind the box in the corner with the many cables ... O_o
Despite his disability Nero is absolutely full of life, he flits around the room like mad and destroyed the players' tunnel and cartons bounces on it anywhere. Unfortunately, he is just the whiz and chop beat sometimes as sailing, he also jumps times against. I do not know now whether this is normal, in high spirits, as if holding a small house in its path, or whether it is limited in its field of view. anyway, enjoy ^ ^ Nero

Alva is the last days has thawed a little. You no longer sprints at the first signs of people into the house, remains even sit still. Already works very much like the room, we were already into the bedroom, but only if Nero vorläuft and you can no longer be moved: D Some Kanineken just need a little longer to Acclimation.
However, it is a bit tough, I have twice watched as she packed Nero, which is indeed a dominance gesture. actually that is Nero is the boss here, but apparently they tried to raise claims to power .. what he can not but fall;)

Jenna Haze Car Streaming

Obituary: Fuzzle

to my 16th I got a very special birthday gift: a rabbit, or more precisely a lion's head. He was just 7 weeks old (born in late January, early February 1999) and took care of my hand. As he sheds so I suggested to an acquaintance named Fluff. Because lint is boring so but, I decided that we should write it like this: Fuzzle. ... of course rarely sat down and the funny creations came out here .. Fuzzle was not my first pet, but my first real pet rabbit. Battle rabbits had my grandpa in the stables, but what you do with a dwarf? I did everything wrong, of course, what you can do wrong as a rabbit holder.

My parents found this gift nu sooo not particularly great, my Dad, who as far as I know, never had pets, animals banned in the apartment .. Sun Fuzzle came in a barn .. with a guinea pig .. Since he sometimes needed outlet, we have simply put him in the garden, where he then released herumhoppelte. I was also never thought that rabbits social group animals and are also veterinarians were initially foreign to me. Fuzzle never been so neutered .. Later we had to work out regularly for teeth because he had a malocclusion. When I came upon the idea that he needs a girlfriend, it was too late, according to TA, he was too old to castrate. It would threaten obesity, because if he would grow up again. Fuzzle had never been vaccinated and that although he was always out there ..
He has covered a total of three female rabbits, what I would do today, not even, there are enough unwanted rabbits in the world.

So passed the years, I went out with me Fuzzle. He was from the barn to house rabbits rabbit. Over time, I will sometimes dealt with rabbits, he got his diet of dry food converted to appropriate, could always hop in the apartment. But that was more and more. Meanwhile, he was 10 years old already. Sometimes I felt like he heard worse, his movements were not so left out. So
Fuzzle was almost 11, we moved four (my zebra finches and Flix Meep, Fuzzle and me) to Hamburg, my friend. There he got an entire room to himself, along with the birds, but the life anyway on a different level. :) At first, he hopped around the room still like, but that was then less and less.

Fuzzle was almost never sick, but during a routine visit to the TA (the teeth again) found the vets to run the Fuzzle nose and eyes a bit. We had him antibiotics released into the mouth. This pleased the boy and not at all because we do not properly fixed, he succeeded rumzustrampeln violently, he said his right front foot injury - hairline crack in the bone .. This would, however, have relatively fixed heal, but it did not, after four weeks, he still hobbled and the vets were stumped. We wanted to wait two weeks. Occasionally it happened that he was on the side and very violently kicked. I thought it had nightmares, as it occurs in dogs since he was no sign of panic and then showed pretending as if nothing had happened. Four times I could watch. Soon he got diarrhea, his whole ass was smeared, so I had to wash it. He also drank a whole lot these days, but with a hay-water diet, we got it under control ... and then came the incontinence, on the same weekend. He was not in his Pipiecke, but wherever he was just on the carpet, which he did before. He was always wet. After internet research, I concluded that it could be what with the kidneys or bladder. He drank a whole cup a day now. So we went directly to the vet on Monday. I thought we would get drugs and everything will be fine .. but since we simulated us. Internally, I knew it was finished with my baby. Fuzzle had in the few days depleted rapidly, he was totally emaciated, although he had eaten. During the investigation it emerged that he had not even fat. The bubble was not in order and led all mitmal an image - why would not heal the bone, the twitching, why he drank so much .. etc. His kidneys were not working properly, and his little body poisoned themselves, or flooded out minerals, which were used for bone formation. (So I have the least understood). It was said that either I would euthanize him, or he would starve to death .... For me and my friend broke a small world together. Thus, Fuzzle aged 11 years and 7 months on 9 August 2010 put down and left a big gap.
... and I still have a guilty conscience, in part because of all serious problems that I had made in Fuzzle attitude. Something like me should never happen again.

Festival was relatively fast, we both can not without rabbits ..

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How Do You Wash Fuzzy Moccasins

I think I'll never get enough of purple in my life. This is a color that is just right for each of my moods.
This pendant was created because I wanted to show a friend how to make floral beads. People are always surprised, "as the flowers come in a pearl". :-)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First American Web Mail

A glass full of beads

As you already know, I was good at the weekend and putzwütig. This is soooo rare
that one must necessarily take advantage! :-)
Before Stringing on Sunday, I've made it even to the pearls clean up. That was really urgently needed!
I once all the pearls, which I will never use a piece of jewelry sorted out and thrown into a glass. So that now looks like:

Do not worry! I throw away the beads do not. My idea is more likely to eventually make it into a mosaic ... Iiirgendwann - it has so much space in the glass!