5th VO - 31 March 2009 - Ariel Muzicant
With a little late, but still well before the next Date 21 April, now the report of the conversation with the country's IKG President Ariel Muzicant . The fact that it took so long, but is certainly due to the vast amount of information that could provide the Muzicant in this conversation.
About Muzicant
Muzicant started off the 6-day war in Israel when he was about 15 years old, interested in Judaism and address. The Holocaust, the Shoah was, in his family very well to talk about. Above all, his two uncles who were in Vienna in 1938, fled to Romania as a result, survived and returned, told him about their experiences. His parents, who survived by fleeing (his father fled even to China), told him about it.
In school, he attended the Lycee Francais in Vienna, as the Jewish Community had concluded after 1945, all Jewish schools, and the Lycée anti-Semitic as little compared to regular public schools was, he was a very curious, critical students, especially in history lessons. Personal experiences with anti-Semites, he had very well. He whipped around by themselves with Nazis on the Uni-ramp in Vienna.
As ICG has been president twice, each elected unanimously. In 2002 he was the cult of tax (abolished based on non-law), since then, the number of entries into the Jewish Community. Wealthier members pay 11 € fee per month, the others are asked for voluntary donations.
In the census of 2001, he called for a boycott of the religion claim that because they need his opinion to be just "made" so little, such as the number of Slovenians in Carinthia, "to have to set up then a few signposts. Nevertheless, about 8,000 people to Judaism have known about 10000-15000 but can be counted yet, according to Muzicant.
Jewish identity in Austria
Whether as a Jew in Austria Now Austrian, Israeli or Jew is? - That anyone has to make up with himself, so Muzicant. He sees himself in any event, Austrians and Europeans, with Israel as a spiritual homeland. "However," needs to clarify Muzicant relativizing, "anti-Semites do not distinguish as before." He got in the course of the war in Gaza "a ton of hate letters," even though he obviously can not for the development in Israel and the Palestinian territories. He expressed this in fact only in the sense that the existence of Israel is not impugned. This right is an essential part of his Jewish identity. And if someone because of this Muzicant publicly made known confession emerges from the Jewish Community - What happened, according Muzicant well - then that is also "more so" because he no longer needs such a person represented.
development of the Jewish Community in 1945
The history of the Jewish Community in 1945 divides Muzicant into two sections: First, the phase in which the reborn community since 1945 a kind of relates to resolution policy, keeping in mind that it never again Jewish Living in Austria, respectively, giving Vienna, could. But since it is well known, in 1945 Jewish life in Vienna were, and arrived with all immigration and immigrants and returning again and again, there was inevitably a conflict of generations. This was about in the 70s instead, and led ultimately to the ICG board elections in 1981 a paradigm shift. Instead of Jewish institutions to dissolve and sell land (as happened with many properties of former prayer houses and synagogues, see Bob Martens, Katharina Kohlmaier: What happened to the land on which there were synagogues in Vienna In: DAVID, No . 59, 2003, p. 29-35, see also: Wikipedia: List of Jewish places of worship in Vienna wanted) to open the new generation of Jewish institutions again and keep remaining possessions. The extensive Jewish Community Archives and centuries-old documents were indeed already irretrievably been brought to Israel.
The change within the Jewish Community brought with it a de-politicization. Rather than make a mirror image of the Israeli political landscape, property policy was brought to the foreground. Party affiliations were in the background and now play little or no role. Nevertheless, one can say that the ICG mainly politically left of center is located. Whatever that may mean in practice now - to build a kindergarten, it does not matter if you left, right, or is in the middle - so Muzicant.
Jewish Community of Vienna in the European comparison
What the Viennese Jewry from the rest of Europe is different? The cohesion! Reform and Orthodox Judaism are located in Vienna, under one roof, that of the ICG. The ICG acts as the umbrella organization of all Jewish movements that are present in Vienna - which are many. Each group has far-reaching freedom. Only matters that concern the whole of Jewry are handled by the Jewish Community. About family law, entrance fees, etc., for which Chief Rabbi Paul Chaim Eisenberg is responsible, in turn, is considered "very conciliatory." Also, the budget lies with the Jewish Community, and here, according Muzicant is also the only significant friction point there: Ultimately, all groups feel they receive too little money. What are the different forms of Viennese Jews, have concerns in political, ideological, religious terms, and by geographic origin, these different groups may indeed have their peculiarities and differences, but because of the freedoms under the umbrella of the Jewish Community, this ultimately not disturb the cohesion as a community Muzicant insured. And that it is a diverse, vibrant community can be as well to recognize the fact that there were 14, 15 prayer rooms and 6 rabbi in Vienna (Muzicant).
That there is a Jewish community in Vienna, in which different groups, of which Orthodoxy and Reform Judaism are probably the most widely divergent directions that can talk to each other that are not in different blocks is broken apart, this is so Muzicant, Europe no longer a matter of course. Thus, there exists in Germany, "all disputes" and "in Switzerland not even talk to each other." That way I can with Switzerland, at least in terms of Zurich confirmed. Not from personal experience, but through the ICZ (Jewish Cultusgemeinde Zurich, then writes the) people involved.
The question for activity and openness of the Jewish Community and the public perception, such as in a European comparison, there were some interesting statements. There were conflicting messages from the audience: First, those who moved a person finds that the ICG is more of a closed community (What Muzicant denied of course and brought a number of examples). Then then came a report of a Austrian woman who lived about 30 years in Germany, both in the north and south, and the Vienna Jewish Community feels much more open than German communities. Nor would it in Austria, which she finds it surprising, much more about the Jewish Community and events with Jewish culture, of which there were loud Muzicant about 300 a year, reported in the media. When the Jewish Community in Austria, gives a press conference, then come the media and also report - something that obviously is less the case in Germany.
On the subject of restitution
After 1945, Jews in Austria answered "do not fight hard enough and called for" and are more than occurred "as a supplicant." But that should not blame them, they have only just survived the Holocaust and were therefore "deeply traumatized," wanted to "live simply" (Muzicant). Austria
Many today would not understand why the recovery from 1945, "an issue" was, but in recent years, very strong (country man). "Is not" (Muzicant) - The restitution from the beginning was an issue. But after the United States exerted less pressure on Austria, as the Cold War, the confrontation with the Soviet Union, came to the fore, the case was slow or not at all forward. Many judges also were former Nazis, some have even found themselves Aryaniser (Muzicant). Then there was the lack of recognition of responsibility on the part of Austria - which is indeed decades, as the first victim of Germany, which bear no responsibility for the events between 1938 and 1945, looked at (which impelled the Republic of Austria but not to NS-legal decisions in their entirety to annul, as happened in other countries such as Denmark). And quite apart from all this: those Jews who survived the Nazis did so only in the few cases in Europe. Most had fled to North or South America were to live happy, and of course had little or no idea about the fate of their former possessions in Austria. They had indeed no information apology, explanation, invitation or anything else on the part of Austria. Restitution was considered "collectable debt": Who wants to have something that must strive to Austria and the local courts. Since Jews to escape from Austria was made known to all, especially the money one can naturally think that only few could afford in the years after 1945, the financial force in Austria, a trial endeavor, which in turn requires some courage, as the Austrian case law was very disadvantageous for the reasons mentioned for Jews.
turn in the 90s was the consequence of the end of the Cold War. Many archives have been opened, searches could be performed more easily on the fate of looted art and other property looted. Austria had now accepted a certain complicity in National Socialism, new information technologies (Internet in the mid-90s) are increasingly facilitating international communication and access to sources. For some actions now developed a "Klagsflut" that came up from the U.S. to Austria. This pressure came in 1998 the Washington Agreement, in which Austria undertook to make restitution. The role of the Jewish Community in these negotiations between Austria and the United States was not first recognized way. Only after a complaint by the Jewish Community won, she was admitted as a negotiating partner with Austria and the United States.
was total and is the Austrian restitution still poor. In general, only 10% of the approved robbery restituted good, and in principle is never the actual value of a good recognition. As an example, Muzicant a house that is 10 million € value. € 6 million of these are recognized, 600.000 € will be restituted. In contrast, there was again called Denmark: 90 to 95% all confiscated property was restituted there, namely 1945th
gives way, still the picture of largest raid in history , which took place from 1938 to 1945 in the former and present-day Austria. Then 18 billion shillings to the extent of that looting is appreciated. Taking as an example the 63,000 dwellings in 1938 in Vienna were Aryanized, and one assumes for each apartment a transfer fee of 50,000 euros now realistic, so alone is the about 3.1 billion euros.
The Waldheim affair
The look on Muzicant Waldheim differs in some essential respects from that of Georg Mark, that of the previous four guests, who had expressed most extensively on forest home. While Mark had the Waldheim affair rather not have seen such "exaggerated" as it "übetriebene" anti-Waldheim campaign finally stirred and anti-Semitic sentiments and brought right-wing politicians influx would, allowing for even "the Strache today," sees Muzicant this period of history almost complete opposites.
The Waldheim affair was "the best thing that could happen to this country," so Muzicant. She has broken old crusts and finally produced a civil society in Austria. A large group of people who since been critical of the Austrian past deal, at least indirectly, was the achievement of this affair. That through the media inflating the scandal caused, including US-entry ban for Waldheim, anti-Semitic, right response is, of course not surprising. But the benefits that has brought this affair (keyword civil society, critical engaging with the past) outweigh the disadvantages in the form on the right reflexes, which also attended the affair.
Waldheim received his travel ban, moreover, not because of his time as a Wehrmacht soldier, but because of his consistent denials that he pursued so long, until it was proven. Something to be in the USA unforgivable. This difference in attitude between the U.S. and Austria, where even the denial is quasi national sport, have also contributed to his own lack of understanding of U.S. criticism of Waldheim.
Wiesenthal and Kreisky
What's new at Kreisky? Well - once again statements that a completely contrary to the picture to find something beautifully drawn version of Markus'. Kreisky have such a "intense hatred" on his Jewish background had, he has never overcome (so Muzicant). And to relativization, Kreisky had never denied his Jewish origins: Yes of course he did not because, as he is this supposed to also deny (Muzicant spirit). But the fact remains that he is a 'troubled relationship with the Jews "had . And the statement that Jews are a "lousy people" (which Mark described so as untrue), Kreisky said no doubt, were referred to but in a certain respect, namely in response to a statement in which Jews as a people: "If the Jews are one people, then a lousy ". gone
As part of the allegations against Kreisky Wiesenthal that he had collaborated with the Nazis ( Kreisky-Peter-Wiesenthal affair ), whereupon Wiesenthal Kreisky sued for libel (the whole way, advance was the discovery of the Nazi past of the Kreisky -Minister By Peter Wiesenthal), there was, from today's perspective, rather unexpectedly, many (older) voices in the Jewish Community, the echauffierten about Wiesenthal. "How can he do this?" (so Muzicant about the mood at the time) - namely, that such confrontations are Wiesenthal himself. Reason for this mood was the same war survivors especially prevalent view that one should live as a Jew in Austria just quiet and unobtrusive. But the younger generation saw it differently - the paradigm shift, as described above, was in the air. Their opinion was that without an independent position in Austria has no right to exist. To hide, is the wrong way.
It is worth to any event a great success of the Jewish Community that at every important affair (Kreisky, Waldheim) a "clear position" have had. For by the Jewish Community to be heard, taken seriously and perform publicly. This was, moreover, a weakness of the Muslim faith or the representations, namely that they are not strong leadership, at least, have no representative leadership.
difference between Jewish and Muslim integration and faith representatives
An example of the statement made in the last sentence, namely the lack of organization of the Muslim representatives in Austria, According to the religion teacher is Muzicant debate, which was recently conducted. The occasion was known to be a survey of Muslim students at Muslim religious teachers, were allegedly found in a quarter anti-democratic positions. The study was medial hotly debated, partly also in doubt. Demands for a change in the laws concerning religion teacher training have been raised, however, by the responsible Ministry of Education not taken seriously. When then the ICG, Muzicant to speak out, that the religion teacher training was not a Muslim, but a general problem in Austria, he had first raised admiration. But it was also Jewish religious teachers often so that they could hardly German and poorly prepared surveys may also answers came, and would be in conflict with democracy. Also by such positions, which gives not only Jewish interests, but Austrian general, relate to a hearing.
In other cases, Muslim religious leaders even actively approached the Jewish Community, to ask them for help in religious-political debates. So there was need for such regulations for the religious enclosures, so special, religious laws observed slaughter methods (allow full bleed, etc.). But even that was not a Muslim issue was purely and only together with the Jewish Community because you could find satisfactory solutions to the policy (with details I can not serve, unfortunately, Muzicant mentioned this only briefly as an example). Anyway, it seems a need for improvement in the Muslim representatives to give. There are a number of agencies that have different positions represented. A true umbrella organization similar to the ICG, there is not, despite the officially recognized Islamic Religious Community, Anas Schakfeh. This has only a few thousand members and is no different from other Islamic communities in Austria accepted as the supreme representative.
Finally, the question of how it may be that in recent decades, when thousands of Jews from the East, not a word was German, in Vienna, came up today are generally integrated well and their children show many university degrees, whereas among Muslim immigrants but much less successful (there are studies on graduation rates, graduation rates, etc. to origin, religion, representing this.)
Muzicant has "no idea" why he would even like to know. Although it is a cliche, Jewish learning and all, but he'll take himself too often, was about when a child of Eastern European immigrants in a very short time to acquire a doctorate from the University of Economics. Perhaps it is because so Muzicant that it often integrate more incentive to learn and gives. There may be "a pressure to maintain a Jewish minority in the mainstream society to integrate,"
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
How Much Volume Can A Man Ejaculate
4th VO - 24 March 2009 - Georg Markus
family history
George Markus is an Austrian writer and - I mean - anecdotes. He comes from a mother from Moravian Hofjudenfamilie. So you were court agents if you want to put it politically correct, and if you can imagine including more. His great-great-grandfather was the first Jewish king Rafael locksmith Austria. Since this article contrary to his training masters and write could, he took over his paperwork, and when that one day, needed money, he went into the locksmith. The royal family survived the Nazis by fleeing and continued to operate after the war. From this locksmith and hardware store were apparently produced by several companies. First, today there is an Obi-Baumarkt Jacob King in Retz, but also told how Mark and can read here, an international steel trading company, the King Group .
from the King-line over generations, the family history passed down in writing, which is why Mark of everyday life and the severe anti-Semitism, such as the Great-great-grandfather as a mechanic in Retz went against, but also of positive experiences, successes and friendly citizens.
father's side his family is from Graz. In this branch of the family, many were killed during the Shoah. At home, little was said about Nazism. One similarity between victims and perpetrators of Nazism alike, as well as the country man noted: Those who have experienced this time talking about it and often do not like to do / she would prefer to forget.
During National Socialism in Austria, most Austrian Jews, which the Nazis could find, in Vienna "concentrated" in collective dwellings. Therefore, having lived and Mark's grandparents and mother - and together with Adolf Eichmann whose identity they were aware of at least one day as far as he is a Nazi. He lived one floor below them, to learn Hebrew and "Jewish customs." More, about what role he had in the Nazi apparatus knew them. As was arrested one day, Mark's grandfather, Theodore King, by the Nazis and taken to the barracks Rossauer to grandmother Ida complained immediately to Eichmann. And indeed, Little Theodore was later released. Whether this is really convenient however to Eichmann, is not known. The family then fled at any rate to Argentina.
anti-Semitism then and now
His grandfather, Theodore King, was a long way in the German national gymnastics association. But not for political reasons, just as little as you join today usually the sports club in the community. There was never a problem between him and the other non-Jewish members of the association. Only with the rise of Karl Lueger, whose achievement was the anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic sentiment, suddenly went wide and prejudices and Theodore found himself forced to resign.
Mark himself had in his life, he says, personally never made anti-Semitic Experience: Growing up in "no way", "as assimilated" and in a bourgeois environment. Only in a fight once described as anti-Semitic words were like customizable, but that does not count. After his childhood, he had certainly made no such experience more because he likes personally, of course, no use of anti-Semites.
provided for new wind Markus at constant theme Kreisky. Kreisky, whose mother and grandmother of Mark in Brno were friends, had a good relationship with the family, Mark. Probably why he vehemently defended Kreisky. Kreisky has never denied his Jewish origins. It was "part of my nature and character" and "would be to dispute the ridiculous," Mark said once he was in an interview. Also, the profile is once again mentioned in a negative example (among others) there was written that Kreisky said, Jews are a "lousy people," although they [the profile] "know" that it is not true. It was part of anti-Semitic efforts to assert such a thing again and again.
Kreisky had left the Jewish Community for ideological reasons, as atheist Marxist. His Jewish background, he had never denied in any case.
This is Markus' assessment of Kreisky almost diametrically opposed to that of Ariel Muzicant, but in a way that they do not object directly, but wafer-thin slide past each other, draw a double-edged picture of Kreisky and yet, less personal symbols or antipathy, more or less relevant. But see the next posting, the report of the conversation with Ariel Muzicant.
From Kreisky of course continue to Waldheim, without the intervention of the interview guide. Again, there is a very precise, clear assessment: "very awkward," has so, Waldheim made in every respect. And so Mark is in line with all previous interlocutors, who have spoken about this. It seems to me now, the most appropriate title for a Paper on Waldheim's presidency would be "very awkward".
If you are coming into more detail, but estimates that differ completely from old to carry. Thus, the anti-Waldheim campaign was exaggerated in the media. This exaggerated anti-Waldheim campaign had created an environment that the "greenhouse" for Strache & Co today have prepared. It was perceived as excessive agitation and have fueled anti-Semitic sentiment. The whole would thus not to be exaggerated. In this respect also represents Mark a position that at first glance, the exact opposite of what was said Ariel Muzicant (in the 5th VO) stands, but on second glance, may tolerate each other. For Muzicant the Waldheim affair saw as a departure of old crust in the Austrian company which created a new civil society and overcoming the past have turned at last. This view is complemented with that of Markus' may sense that Mark has over taken the hype and resulting adverse reactions, but Muzicant by this "exaggeration", if you will agree, has seen a kind of catalyst for the Austrian civil society, the alternative , critical thinking is encouraged - and reflections on the right compared to the hypocritical Austria's recent past management ("first victim" policy) is considered as a lesser evil.
So far the criticism of the media, political and public reactions to the Waldheim lies. But this of course does not imply endorsement of Waldheim's "very awkward" approach. Awkward because there with the German Federal President Richard von Weizsacker an example is how one would proceed with the presentation of his Nazi past in the public meaningful, Namely honest and open.
Mark brings another factor into play, however: Lord Weidenfeld (George Weidenfeld). This was a Waldheim's friend and should have advised him that "Yugoslavia-thing" where Waldheim was stationed as a young soldier not to mention. Waldheim was there anyway only got there because riding in his family tradition and he was in SA could get a horse-training - "naive", as Mark noted.
is the end in any case the image of a naive Waldheim, who was clumsy in dealing with the public and rely on good advice of his personal environment, was the well may have been well intentioned, but ultimately it broke the medial neck. Waldheim was then the monstrous attacks on him "not understand" and (Mark). Moreover, there is, so Mark really the possibility that Waldheim to nothing or not much remembered from his youth as a Nazi soldier in Yugoslavia, especially stressful events could possibly have been displaced.
Kronen Zeitung
end of 1985 Mark took over from Viktor Reimann at the Kronen Zeitung as responsible for "historical issues". An improvement was unparalleled, Reimann but one marked by a subliminal anti-Semitism conception of history which he held probably not even himself. They deal with the continuing story of "Jews in Austria." Even country man knew how to Reimann something to say: Reimann was convinced, not anti-Semitic to . Leave Country man, "word for word," he did not, however, regarded as readers, it was already. Reimann sense: As the readers will understand, nothing to him - the main thing 'it is read.
Mark made the historic part of for years. As long as no one he three interventions, he would have had no reason not to write for the crown. One day he actually asked Dichand in his office, it was the middle of the Waldheim affair. He should make it an interview with U.S. Jews, who knew him and Waldheim "eh ok" section. So as a kind of "Jew from service" (free after Torberg). Markus refused, of course, Dichand apologized and the matter was settled.
remembering and forgetting
Dealing with the Past: Never forget! The first generation after the war is always strong against the war, you know how awful it was - but it takes the second with flying colors again impressed in the war. A lifting of the ban
law in Austria would be a "catastrophe", as this story might turn anti-Semitism and xenophobia again. At least the next 50 to 100 years, we need surely not thinking about lifting the ban on Nazi law.
told happy stories about Mark and many of his family history. One of them is the success grandmother Ida occasionally traveled from her home town of Brno to Vienna. One day, new express trains its scheduled operations, Ida was asked at the station counter if she wants to "Express" book. The value of a ticket in the minds said no, they offer this vigorously, saying, "Well, for my money 'i go long".
"Jewish spirit"
[statements spirit of play:]
country man: What Jews to one another, what is the Jewish spirit? Why did almost all Jews from the Vienna Modern?
Markus: anti-Semitism begins with Philo, the lift out of properties. But a cohesion apparent through the Centuries of persecution, the cohesion required.
Landesmann: Persecution pressure to drive performance?
Markus: cliche, but there is' certainly something in it - to be able to sample the tradition, reading and writing, because of the Torah. But basically, every mother wants but smart kids had a PhD.
family history
George Markus is an Austrian writer and - I mean - anecdotes. He comes from a mother from Moravian Hofjudenfamilie. So you were court agents if you want to put it politically correct, and if you can imagine including more. His great-great-grandfather was the first Jewish king Rafael locksmith Austria. Since this article contrary to his training masters and write could, he took over his paperwork, and when that one day, needed money, he went into the locksmith. The royal family survived the Nazis by fleeing and continued to operate after the war. From this locksmith and hardware store were apparently produced by several companies. First, today there is an Obi-Baumarkt Jacob King in Retz, but also told how Mark and can read here, an international steel trading company, the King Group .
from the King-line over generations, the family history passed down in writing, which is why Mark of everyday life and the severe anti-Semitism, such as the Great-great-grandfather as a mechanic in Retz went against, but also of positive experiences, successes and friendly citizens.
father's side his family is from Graz. In this branch of the family, many were killed during the Shoah. At home, little was said about Nazism. One similarity between victims and perpetrators of Nazism alike, as well as the country man noted: Those who have experienced this time talking about it and often do not like to do / she would prefer to forget.
During National Socialism in Austria, most Austrian Jews, which the Nazis could find, in Vienna "concentrated" in collective dwellings. Therefore, having lived and Mark's grandparents and mother - and together with Adolf Eichmann whose identity they were aware of at least one day as far as he is a Nazi. He lived one floor below them, to learn Hebrew and "Jewish customs." More, about what role he had in the Nazi apparatus knew them. As was arrested one day, Mark's grandfather, Theodore King, by the Nazis and taken to the barracks Rossauer to grandmother Ida complained immediately to Eichmann. And indeed, Little Theodore was later released. Whether this is really convenient however to Eichmann, is not known. The family then fled at any rate to Argentina.
anti-Semitism then and now
His grandfather, Theodore King, was a long way in the German national gymnastics association. But not for political reasons, just as little as you join today usually the sports club in the community. There was never a problem between him and the other non-Jewish members of the association. Only with the rise of Karl Lueger, whose achievement was the anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic sentiment, suddenly went wide and prejudices and Theodore found himself forced to resign.
Mark himself had in his life, he says, personally never made anti-Semitic Experience: Growing up in "no way", "as assimilated" and in a bourgeois environment. Only in a fight once described as anti-Semitic words were like customizable, but that does not count. After his childhood, he had certainly made no such experience more because he likes personally, of course, no use of anti-Semites.
provided for new wind Markus at constant theme Kreisky. Kreisky, whose mother and grandmother of Mark in Brno were friends, had a good relationship with the family, Mark. Probably why he vehemently defended Kreisky. Kreisky has never denied his Jewish origins. It was "part of my nature and character" and "would be to dispute the ridiculous," Mark said once he was in an interview. Also, the profile is once again mentioned in a negative example (among others) there was written that Kreisky said, Jews are a "lousy people," although they [the profile] "know" that it is not true. It was part of anti-Semitic efforts to assert such a thing again and again.
Kreisky had left the Jewish Community for ideological reasons, as atheist Marxist. His Jewish background, he had never denied in any case.
This is Markus' assessment of Kreisky almost diametrically opposed to that of Ariel Muzicant, but in a way that they do not object directly, but wafer-thin slide past each other, draw a double-edged picture of Kreisky and yet, less personal symbols or antipathy, more or less relevant. But see the next posting, the report of the conversation with Ariel Muzicant.
From Kreisky of course continue to Waldheim, without the intervention of the interview guide. Again, there is a very precise, clear assessment: "very awkward," has so, Waldheim made in every respect. And so Mark is in line with all previous interlocutors, who have spoken about this. It seems to me now, the most appropriate title for a Paper on Waldheim's presidency would be "very awkward".
If you are coming into more detail, but estimates that differ completely from old to carry. Thus, the anti-Waldheim campaign was exaggerated in the media. This exaggerated anti-Waldheim campaign had created an environment that the "greenhouse" for Strache & Co today have prepared. It was perceived as excessive agitation and have fueled anti-Semitic sentiment. The whole would thus not to be exaggerated. In this respect also represents Mark a position that at first glance, the exact opposite of what was said Ariel Muzicant (in the 5th VO) stands, but on second glance, may tolerate each other. For Muzicant the Waldheim affair saw as a departure of old crust in the Austrian company which created a new civil society and overcoming the past have turned at last. This view is complemented with that of Markus' may sense that Mark has over taken the hype and resulting adverse reactions, but Muzicant by this "exaggeration", if you will agree, has seen a kind of catalyst for the Austrian civil society, the alternative , critical thinking is encouraged - and reflections on the right compared to the hypocritical Austria's recent past management ("first victim" policy) is considered as a lesser evil.
So far the criticism of the media, political and public reactions to the Waldheim lies. But this of course does not imply endorsement of Waldheim's "very awkward" approach. Awkward because there with the German Federal President Richard von Weizsacker an example is how one would proceed with the presentation of his Nazi past in the public meaningful, Namely honest and open.
Mark brings another factor into play, however: Lord Weidenfeld (George Weidenfeld). This was a Waldheim's friend and should have advised him that "Yugoslavia-thing" where Waldheim was stationed as a young soldier not to mention. Waldheim was there anyway only got there because riding in his family tradition and he was in SA could get a horse-training - "naive", as Mark noted.
is the end in any case the image of a naive Waldheim, who was clumsy in dealing with the public and rely on good advice of his personal environment, was the well may have been well intentioned, but ultimately it broke the medial neck. Waldheim was then the monstrous attacks on him "not understand" and (Mark). Moreover, there is, so Mark really the possibility that Waldheim to nothing or not much remembered from his youth as a Nazi soldier in Yugoslavia, especially stressful events could possibly have been displaced.
Kronen Zeitung
end of 1985 Mark took over from Viktor Reimann at the Kronen Zeitung as responsible for "historical issues". An improvement was unparalleled, Reimann but one marked by a subliminal anti-Semitism conception of history which he held probably not even himself. They deal with the continuing story of "Jews in Austria." Even country man knew how to Reimann something to say: Reimann was convinced, not anti-Semitic to . Leave Country man, "word for word," he did not, however, regarded as readers, it was already. Reimann sense: As the readers will understand, nothing to him - the main thing 'it is read.
Mark made the historic part of for years. As long as no one he three interventions, he would have had no reason not to write for the crown. One day he actually asked Dichand in his office, it was the middle of the Waldheim affair. He should make it an interview with U.S. Jews, who knew him and Waldheim "eh ok" section. So as a kind of "Jew from service" (free after Torberg). Markus refused, of course, Dichand apologized and the matter was settled.
remembering and forgetting
Dealing with the Past: Never forget! The first generation after the war is always strong against the war, you know how awful it was - but it takes the second with flying colors again impressed in the war. A lifting of the ban
law in Austria would be a "catastrophe", as this story might turn anti-Semitism and xenophobia again. At least the next 50 to 100 years, we need surely not thinking about lifting the ban on Nazi law.
told happy stories about Mark and many of his family history. One of them is the success grandmother Ida occasionally traveled from her home town of Brno to Vienna. One day, new express trains its scheduled operations, Ida was asked at the station counter if she wants to "Express" book. The value of a ticket in the minds said no, they offer this vigorously, saying, "Well, for my money 'i go long".
"Jewish spirit"
[statements spirit of play:]
country man: What Jews to one another, what is the Jewish spirit? Why did almost all Jews from the Vienna Modern?
Markus: anti-Semitism begins with Philo, the lift out of properties. But a cohesion apparent through the Centuries of persecution, the cohesion required.
Landesmann: Persecution pressure to drive performance?
Markus: cliche, but there is' certainly something in it - to be able to sample the tradition, reading and writing, because of the Torah. But basically, every mother wants but smart kids had a PhD.
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